Osun Bans all Public Gatherings

- Yinka Kolawole ÓØ ÝÙÑÌÙ

The Osun State Government has placed ban on all gatherings that would bring together 50 or more persons in the same place.

This measure takes immediate effect and would be in place until further notice.

The ban will affect all schools in Osun, Churches, Mosques, Night Clubs and Sports arenas among others.

The government, which advised the citizenry not to panic, especially because no case had been recorded in the state so far, noted that it arrived at the decision it took after wide consultati­ons with health profession­als and stakeholde­rs in the health sector over COVID-19.

In a statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Adegboyega Oyetola, Ismail Omipidan, the government noted that the ban became necessary following federal government’s directive to ensure precaution­ary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Besides, the government noted that the mere fact that few cases had been reported in its neighbouri­ng states made it imperative to act.

“As at 18th March 2020, the total number of cases as announced by the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Osagie Ehanire, stands at eight with one of the five recent cases confirmed on Wednesday, in Ekiti State.

“Though we have not recorded any case of the deadly virus, as a responsibl­e government, we must be prepared so that we are not taken by surprise. The Corona virus scourge is a complex public health emergency, the type the world had never seen.

“Therefore, to protect our dear state, our children, and our economy will require our collective response and sacrifice. Government at both state and local government levels will lead but we will all need to do our bit to get through this bad patch.

“As a responsibl­e and responsive government that places premium on the well-being of its people, we will protect our citizens from potential and actual threats.

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