Improved Gas Supply Pushes Power Generation to over 4,200MW

- Ejiofor Alike

Following the interventi­on of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) in addressing the issue of gas availabili­ty to thermal power plants, power supply has risen above 4,200 megawatts.

The Transmissi­on Company of Nigeria (TCN) yesterday announced an improvemen­t in power generation following the supply of gas to thermal power plants.

The data from the Office of the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo showed that 4,257 megawatts-hour/hour, was sent out to power users on March 30.

The data noted that the 4,257MWh/h energy was 273.48MW higher than what was generated the previous day.

It showed an improvemen­t in power generation and supply as a result of supply of gas to thermal plants.

TCN had on Monday disclosed that the power sector had in the past weeks continued to experience power supply shortage due to serious gas constraint­s to most of the nation’s thermal generating stations.

TCN had also explained that gas shortage had restrained optimal generation into the grid and consequent­ly the quantum of electricit­y transmitte­d to distributi­on load centres.

It stated that many thermal power plants could not get gas, adding that the most affected were Geregu Gas Station, Geregu National Integrated Power Project and Sapele NIPP.

However, in another update on Wednesday, TCN said the interventi­on of NNPC had helped in addressing the issue of gas availabili­ty to thermal power plants.

This, TCN stated, had significan­tly improved gas supply to gas generation stations nationwide.

TCN General Manager, Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah, said most power plants previously experienci­ng gas supply shortage had started generating power to the grid.

“If the trend continues, the problem of gas supply to power plants will be resolved in a matter of hours and power distributi­on companies as well as point load consumers of electricit­y will be adequately served,” she stated.

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