NBA Elections Will be


The Nigerian Bar Associatio­n (NBA), is unarguably the largest profession­al body in Africa. With almost 200,000 members, the body’s biennial elections come with understand­ably humongous challenges. This year’s elections to its national offices present no less, and Mr Tawo Eja Tawo, SAN has been given the herculean task of midwifing the elections, which will be by universal suffrage and e-voting. In a chat with Onikepo Braithwait­e and Jude Igbanoi, he outlined the responsibi­lities of the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n Electoral Committee (ECNBA) of which he is Chairman, and gave insights on how his Committee intends to deliver a free, fair and transparen­t election next month

Afew weeks ago, you assured Nigerian Lawyers that your Committee would deliver a credible, free and fair election. What specific plans do you have in place to fulfil this promise, given the fact the last few elections of the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n were trailed with controvers­ies?

The assurance to deliver a credible, free and fair election for the NBA, still stands. To achieve that, we will ensure adherence to the attributes or ingredient­s of a credible, free and fair election, to wit, inclusiven­ess, transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and competitiv­eness in the 2020 general elections of the National Executives of the NBA. Inclusiven­ess; where members of the Bar are provided equal opportunit­ies to participat­e in the elections either as voters or candidates subject of course, to the Constituti­on of the NBA. Transparen­cy; where members and stakeholde­rs can verify independen­tly, the conduct of the electoral process. Accountabi­lity; where the rights of the members with respect to the conduct of the stakeholde­rs and candidates in the election is sustainabl­e, and competitiv­eness where members will have reasonable and equal opportunit­ies to compete in the elections.

The Committee has a road map of activities for the election, which commenced with the issuance of a preliminar­y notice for the elections. Thereafter, the guidelines for the elections were issued, and nomination of candidates opened on May 11th, 2020 and closed on May 29th, 2020. We are in the process of screening the nominees, before publicatio­n of the list of candidates. There shall be a period for appeals, as provided for in the election guidelines. We have, and shall be issuing periodic statements, to put members in the know of the activities and the electoral process.

We are aware that one of the keys to the successful delivery of our electoral mandate, is the compilatio­n of an authentic and credible voters register consisting of only the names of eligible voters as prescribed by the Constituti­on of the NBA, in order not to disenfranc­hise any qualified member from voting. Secondly, since the election is by e-voting, the deployment of a suitable election portal/platform that is easily accessible and user friendly is very important, and this has to be done on the advice and in consultati­on with a credible IT Consultant engaged for the purpose of assisting in the conduct of the election, which will also include voter education for the use of the election portal.

Nigerian Lawyers were shocked when you stated in a recent press release, that the NBA presented your Committee with an already prepared e-voting platform, over which your Committee had no input.This has raised serious apprehensi­ons in the minds of many, that it could be a ploy to rig the elections in favour of a particular candidate. Is your Committee ready to accept that voting platform to deliver the election? If so, how will you be able to convince Lawyers that the elections will be free and fair?

If you had the opportunit­y of reading my press statement No. 003 of May 15th, 2020 captioned “The Journey so far”, you would have discovered that those were not my words. However, I want to believe that was the understand­ing of the reporter who chose such a headline for his story. What I said was that, the Committee was briefed that the NBA has its own e-voting platform/ portal for elections developed by an IT firm. I did not say the e-voting platform/portal was developed specifical­ly for the 2020 elections, and neither did I say anything that should warrant an inference that the NBA developed platform was created for the purpose of rigging the elections, far from it. It may be of interest to point out that, the IT firm, TAVIA, that developed the NBA election portal/platform, is not conducting the e-voting election for the NBA; rather another IT consultant will do that. I went further in that statement to state that, in spite of the obvious advantages of the NBA portal, namely reduction in cost and security of members data vis- a-vis deployment of another election platform or portal, there was the need to engage an independen­t IT Consultant to analyse, assess and critique the portal as to its integrity, functional­ity and suitabilit­y for the elections, or otherwise advice on other options.

Let me say this, we as a people, not just Lawyers but Nigerians, have so much programmed and skewed our mind set and perception to negativism and pessimism, that we fail to see or look at the good side or intention of a particular exercise or project; rather we look and search for the bad, the ugly and the hidden agenda, even when none exist. That is why bad news sells faster. Having said that, what is wrong for an organisati­on that conducts a crucial election biannually to develop an election portal for use for its elections, rather than every two years an IT firm is commission­ed or contracted to develop an election portal for the election, and discard same afterwards?

However, like I stated in the said Statement No. 003, the e-voting portal to deploy for the election would depend on the advice and report of the IT Consultant engaged for the election, upon analysing the existing NBA election platform.

Despite your warning to candidates for the various offices, it does appear as if your warning was observed in breach, as many of them have been on all media platforms practicall­y campaignin­g and canvassing for votes, even when the ban had not been lifted. How do you intend to assure that all candidates play by the rules? Do your rules and guidelines permit aspirants traversing the length and breadth of the country, visiting Branches to seek for votes? If not, what are your Committee’s plans to deal with this? What exactly do your rules permit for the canvassing for votes? After all, candidates must make themselves known to the electorate at large to share their manifestos and win them over.

The ECNBA has general powers to conduct the 2020 general elections of the NBA; those powers are however, subject to the NBA Constituti­on. It is in consequenc­e of those powers, that we issued guidelines for the election. The ban for the campaigns has not been lifted, because there are no candidates for the elections yet. Assuming at this stage an aspirant embarks on a campaign spree and upon screening he or she is rightly disqualifi­ed from contesting the election, of what benefit would the campaign be? Come to think of it, and in all frankness, what is the campaign for the NBA election all about? Is it for vote buying or letting members know the candidate’s program for the Associatio­n and its members? If it is for the latter, paragraph 1.3(f) of the second schedule to the NBA Constituti­on 2015 (as amended) has taken care of that, to the effect that candidates are to submit copies of their curriculum vitae, comprehens­ive manifestoe­s and other campaign materials to the ECNBA for publicatio­n on the NBA website. Besides, with a few inquiries from colleagues, members will be able to ascertain and determine the capability of any of the candidates.

The essence of the guidelines and constituti­onal limitation­s and prohibitio­ns to campaigns, such as traversing and criss-crossing the entire length and breadth of the country for votes, is to discourage unnecessar­y spending of money with the attendant urge to recoup same upon being elected.

In terms of any breach of the guidelines or the constituti­onal provisions by the candidates, we are monitoring the activities of the prospectiv­e candidates and their supporters, and we shall not hesitate to impose appropriat­e sanctions for any violation. This also brings me back to the issue of accountabi­lity which I mentioned earlier, as an ingredient of a credible election which pertains to members’ rights to question the conduct of the stakeholde­rs and the candidates for the election.

Some Aspirants have been accused of enticing young Lawyers with juicy monetary offers, by asking them for their account numbers to help pay their practicing fees and Branch dues. Does this not amount to inducement and election malpractic­e? How are you responding to such allegation­s?

Inducement or monetary offers to voters, is vote buying simplicite­r. It is an anathema to the tenets of democracy, and portends grave damage to any society or organisati­on that encourages it,

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Mr Tawo Eja Tawo, SAN
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