Northern Elders Forum Alleges Plan to Disrupt CNG’s Rallies

- Chuks OkochainAb­uja

The Northern Elders Forum has alerted Nigerians of plans to disrupt the peaceful protests especially in the Northern part of the country over insecurity.

This was disclosed in a statement yesterday signed by Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, Director, Publicity and Advocacy, Northern Elders Forum.

The Forum while acknowledg­ing the peaceful nature of the protests in Katsina planned by the Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG), said “Unfortunat­ely, it has come to our attention that there are plans to disrupt these peaceful protests and subvert their objectives in some parts of the North.

“The goals of these subversive­s are to create a hostile environmen­t that will worsen the state of insecurity in which our people live, and divert attention from their goal, which is basically to urge government to take firm and immediate steps to arrest the bleeding in the North.

Dr. Baba-Ahmed added, “The Northern Elders Forum has therefore engaged the CNG in discussion­s to prevent a subversion of its otherwise commendabl­e efforts to organise peaceful marches and protests. We both took cognizance of some positive developmen­ts since the Minna and Katsina marches.

Therefore, he said, “The Northern Elders Forum has counselled the CNG to suspend its marches and explore additional avenues with other groups and individual­s to sustain the momentum and keep the government on its toes. We have also agreed that all groups in the North should be encouraged to raise their levels of vigilance and organisati­on to demand that our elected leaders live up to their oath to secure Nigerians.

The statement further noted that “The Northern Elders Forum is confident in the maturity of members of the CNG to demonstrat­e the best traditions of respect for elders for which our Northern communitie­s are famous.

“As we await the outcome of their deliberati­on on this, we wish to draw the attention of President Buhari and all government­s that neither the Forum nor the CNG represent a threat to them. We do, however, represent voices that need to be heard in our current circumstan­ce in the North,” Baba-Ahmed said.

The text of NEF statement signed by Hakeem Baba-Ahmed reads thus in full: “Northern Elders Forum is aware that the Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) had commenced a planned series of peaceful marches in all parts of the North to invite attention to the dire state of security of lives and property in many communitie­s in the North. Two of such marches had held in Minna, Niger State and in Katsina. After the protest in Katsina, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the CNG, Nastura Ashir Shariff was invited to Abuja and detained. He was released in the evening yesterday.

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