Pinnick Seeks FG’s Support on FIFA Council Election

- Olawale Ajimotokan­in Abuja

Nigeria Football Federation President, Amaju Melvin Pinnick yesterday visited the Minister of Youth and Sports Developmen­t, Sunday Dare, in Abuja to discuss among other things, his intention to fly Nigeria’s flag at next month’s FIFA Council election in Rabat, Morocco.

Pinnick who thanked the Federal Government for all the support since he was first elected NFF President in 2014 pledged to be a good ambassador of Nigeria if elected into the FIFA Council.

A member of CAF executive committee, Pinnick is aware of the task ahead and appreciate­s the Federal Government for agreeing to support his dream.

He used the ocassion of the visit to also thank the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari and all Nigerians for their unflinchin­g support to Nigerian football under his charge.

The Sports Minister, Mr. Sunday Dare, reiterated the need for Pinnick to use his position and contacts in both CAF and FIFA to help promote and develop Nigeria and Africa football at all levels.

He said he was happy to see Nigerians aspire to be among the very best in the world as that “is the only way the country can have a say in the committee of football playing nations.”

Mr. Dare personally wished Pinnick all the best, while assuring him that Nigerians will support him with their prayers.

At the moment, only one slot is left for the Anglophone speaking nations which is what Pinnick is vying for.

Only two Nigerians have risen to the exalted position of FIFA Council members before. They include Dr. Amos Adamu and the late Etubom Oyo Orok Oyo.

 ??  ?? Amaju Pinnick...wants FG’s support in his quest for a FIFA Council seat
Amaju Pinnick...wants FG’s support in his quest for a FIFA Council seat

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