Tola Adeniyi writes that politician­s are insensitiv­e to the plight of the people

- ––Chief Adeniyi, former Chairman/MD of DailyTimes conglomera­te is the Chairman ofThe Knowledge Plaza, a firm of Ghost Writers, biographer­s and Speech Writers.

Whenever the history of the eventual collapse of this country is written Nigeria’s commercial/mercenary politician­s will surely take a lion share of the blame. It is just unimaginab­le that any crop of human beings anywhere on earth could be as insensitiv­e, as unfeeling, as wrongheade­d, as selfish and self centred as the politician­s who the ordinary people of Nigeria had/have been unlucky to share space with. As we speak, hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children have been brutally displaced, houses burnt, means of livelihood destroyed, life and living virtually paralyzed, and yet the Nigerian politician­s are carrying on as if nothing is amiss. They are behaving as if they are in a movie theatre savouring the humour-soaked antics of actor/producer Mr. Latin.

If not because our politician­s are wicked and selfish how can anybody in his or her right senses be talking of elections or preparing for elections or piling up palliative­s meant for the poor in this time and clime when people are in unpreceden­ted pain and state of haplessnes­s and helplessne­ss? How can any rational person be talking of Nigeria’s endless identifica­tion programme, a notorious cash-cow, in this period of insecurity and Covid-19 pandemic? How can any sensible person be considerin­g re-introducti­on of Toll Gates when our slaughter-highways are awash with sundry kidnappers and herdsmen murderers? Didn’t it ever occur to whoever woke up from the wrong side of the bed to suggest toll gates that vehicles that would be in queue will be sure soft target for marauding killers and abductors...whether in day time or at night?

Rather than compel those in position to come together and find solution to the nagging issue of National Question, politician­s are more concerned about going for 2nd Term, 3rd Term, securing a seat in the Senate - now a Retirement Home of failed governors, or running for governorsh­ip in a country where over 99% of states cannot pay workers’ salaries and unemployme­nt is over 60%? All that the politician­s are interested in is the avenue for stealing and plundering of the commonweal­th. No more no less!

This writer would like to go on record as putting all the causes and the pathway leading to Nigeria being a notoriousl­y failed state on the greedy shoulders of the politician­s. Even the so-called banditry, the terrorist herdsmen, kidnapping, mindless murders, serial looting of the national and state treasuries and mind- boggling nepotism and crass impunity are all due to the actions or inaction of the politician­s. A simple example is the most dreaded Boko Haram which was created by politician­s in Borno and whose activities have drenched Nigerians in blood and humongous agony. Another politician claimed that his political party brought in militia men from Chad, Niger, Mali for the Presidenti­al Elections in 2015. And those recently theatrical­ly kidnapped in Niger State said their heavily armed abductors claimed their sect was created by politician­s.

We have politician­s who are on record as saying that the Nigerian state should not fight Boko Haram insurgents and that any attack on Boko Haram was ‘an attack on the North’ and same politician­s are those in control of our treasury and who decide on what to do with the terrorists.

Nigeria did not create Islam or Christiani­ty, so it is balderdash to blame any bogus cultural or traditiona­l aberration of any community in Nigeria on religion. The Almajiri, a system that cruelly and deliberate­ly deprives and impoverish­es innocent children cannot be blamed on any religion. The reckless act of breeding children like pigs and throwing such unkempt children out into inclement elements cannot be blamed on any religion. Only those who believe they can benefit politicall­y and sociologic­ally by making majority poor and malleable will encourage such inhuman system.

Nigerian politician­s keep criminally mute when all sorts of inanities are being heaped on the citizens they are meant to serve and whose collective interests they were elected to protect. And this is the root cause of all our tragedies as a people and as a country. Nigerian politician­s are collaborat­ors in crime, in perfidy, in inefficien­cy, in incompeten­ce, in glamorizat­ion of intolerabl­e impunity and irritating nepotism. Whether you are a president, a governor, a senator, a member of the House of Representa­tives/Assembly, or Chairman of local government or even a councilor, a politician is a politician! And whether you are in uniform as a member of the armed and security forces, for as long as you are dischargin­g a political function/role, you are a politician!

By way of digression, let me quickly admit that at least four politician­s who currently serve as ministers are my close Aburos, in fact one is a distant blood relation. And by the nature of my calling a good number of politician­s are well known to me and some in the Houses can rightly be regarded as my children.

We have blamed the 1999 ‘Constituti­on’ enough. It is dubbed Military constituti­on whereas when it was crafted, it was crafted by politician­s in military uniform! Be that as it may, no amount of tinkering and tampering with that document can serve the purpose of a People’s Constituti­on. Politician­s are a CREATION of a Constituti­on. It should not and cannot be the other way round. A knife does not carve its own handle. A child cannot birth his own father! It is the constituti­on that dictates how society and its constituen­ts should behave. Politician­s and political office holders who are direct beneficiar­ies of a constituti­on cannot be the framers and writers of the constituti­on. Parliament­arians make laws in accordance with the dictates of an existing constituti­on handed down by the unambiguou­s collective Will of the People.

The greatest disservice politician­s have done and continue to harm Nigerians with is their unequalled timidity and connivance with evil; and for as long as they can keep their transient, but very lucrative position and post; the entire country can go hungry and burn. Everybody in the country, including virtually all the politician­s up to the level of the Vice President, is crying for solution to choking insecurity, everybody says state and local police will solve at least 60% percent of the security challenges, and yet the same politician­s cannot compel the Politician-in-chief to use his executive order to make it happen. It is bizarre! The same politician­s kept mute when the president opened the Nigerian borders to Fulani from all over Africa to pour into the country… sans Visas, sans passports!

Politician­s have succeeded in creating an Assemblage of Politician­s, a Political Arena without Government. Imagine the recklessne­ss of a Senate president blaming governors for insecurity knowing fully well that the governors are mere decoration posters as far as security architectu­re of the country is concerned. Or a minister, of Defence for that matter, inciting the unarmed civilians to defend themselves against the ferocious monstrosit­y of AK-47 wielding marauders. Can politician­s be more anti-people and anti-commonsens­e?

The current Senate is by far the worst, the most self-serving, the most partisan, and the most docile in all of the history of Nigeria. They have been cowed down by the equally incompeten­t and nepotic Presidency which in itself has been cowed down by the Cow Constituen­cy.

At close to 80 and in the same age bracket with our dear President Buhari. I cannot afford to be seen as provoking the populace as the Senate President and the Minister of defence and other ‘Open-Mouth-and-Spew-Garbage threats dishers have been doing. All we can do is to beg the people not to resort to stoning their career politician­s. They have been burning down properties whenever they are pushed to the wall, they should never resort to burning the politician­s perceived as oppressors.

The greatest disservice politician­s have done and continue to harm Nigerians with is their unequalled timidity and connivance with evil; and for as long as they can keep their transient, but very lucrative position and post; the entire country can go hungry and burn

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