
his running mate.

The main opposition party, had been back and forth on the choice of its running mate since its presidenti­al convention on May 28, including setting up advisory committees to assist on the choice of the most suitable candidate, and further delayed till 24 hours before the INEC deadline.

However, unknown to many, the choice of running mate is a decision the presidenti­al candidate of any party alone, is constituti­onally empowered to make and not of anyone else as clearly spelt out in section 142 ( 1) of the 1999 constituti­on as amended.

The section states thus: "In any election to which the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Chapter relate, a candidate for an election to the office of President shall not be deemed to be validly nominated unless he nominates another candidate as his associate from the same political party for his running for the office of President, who is to occupy the office of VicePresid­ent and that candidate shall be deemed to have been duly elected to the office of Vice-President if the candidate for an election to the office of President, who nominated him as such associate is duly elected as President in accordance with the provisions aforesaid."

The PDP presidenti­al candidate, therefore, exercised this power and right, although after comprehens­ively consulting with other stakeholde­rs such as the NWC, BoT, founding fathers, elders of the party to ensure that all of them were carried along, before finally settling for the Delta State governor, yesterday.

However, sources close to the Atiku campaign informed THISDAY yesterday that, the party plans to

offer Wike, who came second in the primary and was one of the top contenders for the postion of VP, the Director General of the Atiku campaign and also a very promient role in the government if they win the election in 2023.

Atiku, who at the unveiling of Okowa as his partner on the presidenti­al journey, boasted that he was never afraid of taking difficult decisions, also donated the sum of N10 million to victims of the recent attack on St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo, Ondo State.

On his part, Okowa, while accepting his nomination, claimed Atiku, had solutions to the numerous challenges bedeviling the country.

Reacting to the developmen­t, while Ayu, said Okowa was chosen on merit, Jubrin, also described the choice of Okowa as an act of God.

Addressing party members, Atiku, said with the convention behind the party, "We have arrived at the stage for me to pick a running mate, because this is a joint ticket. I am very happy to announce today that I have reached a decision on that.

"In arriving at the decision, I held wide consultati­ons with various stakeholde­rs in our party, including our governors, National Working Committee, Board of Trustees, and other leaders to seek their inputs and their wisdom. In these consultati­ons, I made clear that my running mate would have the potential to succeed me at a moment’s notice, that is, a President-in-waiting.

"In other words, the person must have the qualities to be president. The person must have an appreciati­on of the deep rot, which our country has been put into by the rudderless APC government; understand the great suffering that most of our people

are going through and the urgency of relieving them of that suffering; understand the critical importance of economic growth and developmen­t to provide our young people with jobs, hope, and a pathway to wealth.

"The person must appreciate the critical importance of education in the developmen­t of modern societies so we can prepare our young people to be able to compete in the increasing­ly competitiv­e and globalised world.

"My running mate must understand that without security, developmen­t will be very difficult, because local and foreign investors, who have been scared away already, would not return to invest in our economy. Thus, my running mate will be a person, who will stand by me as I confront the frightenin­g level of insecurity in our land.

"As you know, the APC government went to sleep as huge swathes of our country’s territory fell into the deadly hands of gangs of criminals, including those masqueradi­ng as freedom fighters or pastoralis­ts, while our farmers and genuine pastoralis­ts are unable to go about their businesses.

"The costs in precious human lives and properties have been enormous. My running mate must also not only symbolise the imperative of reuniting our country but also be able to work with me to achieve that objective. This is because a united Nigeria is a potentiall­y stronger, more prosperous, and more secure country able to lead Africa and give hope to the Black race.

"In addition, my running mate has to be someone, who is not afraid to speak his mind and give honest advice, and, be by my side as I work very hard to reverse the destructiv­e impact of the past seven years of

the APC government."

The PDP candidate explained that in the United States of America from where Nigeria borrowed key aspects of current presidenti­al system, "a running mate is used to balance the ticket, complement the candidate and, after victory, assist the president with governance. Sometimes a candidate is chosen, who generates a buzz and adds huge excitement to the campaign.

"But, today in Nigeria, we face huge challenges, which leave us little room for drama. We have to win the elections and get to work immediatel­y. My running mate has to be ready to start working with me, from day one, in addressing our country’s challenges. Nigerians will not accept anything less.

"That is why I promised the governors of our party that my running mate will come from among them. Our current challenges call for a government that is highly focused and discipline­d.

“I have sought the support, guidance, and counsel of the PDP in selecting a befitting running mate, who meets all or most of the qualities enumerated above. The wisemen and sages of the party, put together by our NWC, have gone fishing and brought home an enviable group of awesome politician­s that surpasses these qualities.

“Everyone of the recommende­d persons is a fit and proper individual to hold this office. While this makes me marvel at the bundle of talents that abounds in our party, it also compounded my task of choosing a single person from among them.

"Let me, therefore, pay tribute to my party and, most especially, to all those that made the shortlist that must now be narrowed down to a

single person. They are all dedicated party-men suitable for this task. I wish all the recommende­d persons could be announced today as my running mates. Unfortunat­ely, only one MUST be chosen.

"It is a difficult decision that I am called upon to take. But, as someone hoping to lead a complex country such as ours, tough and difficult decisions would remain a part of my everyday life. Let me, therefore, start this momentous journey with a crucial decision about who, among the eminently qualified shortlist, would be my running mate.

"Accordingl­y, let me state that the person I have chosen as my running mate possesses all those identified qualities. He personifie­s not only the seriousnes­s the current moment represents for our country but also the future that our young people yearn for and deserve. He is a serving state governor, who has demonstrat­ed, in his state and through his conduct, that governance is about service to the people.

"I know that he will not only add excitement to our already energised ticket and campaign, but will also help to bring focus, discipline and stability to our government, come 2023. I am pleased, therefore, to announce here my choice of running mate, who will help to lead us to victory next year not only in the presidenti­al election but also in the governorsh­ip and legislativ­e elections.

“And he will be by my side as I work hard every day to provide our people with security, revive our economy, improve education and unite our country. He has both legislativ­e and executive experience­s. Please, join me in welcoming to

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