Putin’s a “Hitler in the Making” Claims Egyptian Billionair­e Sawiris

Chido Nwangwu likened the occupation­ist activities of Russia in Ukraine to Germany-Nazi armed squads during the second world war


There are those who beat about the bush regarding what they want to, really, say. Not quite so for one of Egypt’s richest billionair­es, Naguib Sawiris. He is the the Chairman and CEO of Orascom.

A few days ago on the American business news network, CNBC, he was asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order for the ongoing brutal invasion of Ukraine. First, he made it simple and clear that “it’s the making of a crazy man that woke up one day and decided to invade a peaceful country with no warning.”

He stated that the world should act decisvely and stop the Russians and Putin: “We should be winning this war, because it’s another Hitler in the making. It’s the same story in the Second World War…. It started like that, we appeased Hitler by giving him a piece of Czechoslov­akia. So then he walks into Poland, he occupies the whole thing, and he continues and he continues — it’s not going to stop there.”

He added that “Trying to avoid a confrontat­ion can be always perceived as weakness, and will not be a deterrent…. And then the end, what are we going to do? We see all these Ukrainians dying in front of our eyes, are we going to be watching that? No? So, I am not in favor of appeasing this man.”

Appeasemen­t was a major factor in Hitler rapid rise and his unleashing racist grandiosit­y, toxic ideas, imperialis­t sense of empire and raw, deep-seated ambition to control and own more space. Lebensraum!

Evidently, Sawiris read the history of the ancient and mordern greater Russia, the USSR, and new staellite republics around the giant.

As a matter of factual history, the occupation­ist impetus of Russian armed forces inside several cities in the Ukraine are bloody reminders of the GermanyNaz­i armed squads who let loose equally punitive air sorties and strikes against non-combatants, women and children.

The current urgent issues in the Ukraine — diplomatic and military — require the provision of support that will force the aggressor to think twice, and follow the path to peace!

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