Argues that personal integrity and discipline in addition to broad mindedness and rigour are needed criteria for the next president

- Mr. Onunaiju writes from Abuja

Even President Buhari’s most inveterate supporters know that he has no magic wand WR ZDYH RͿ WKH DFFXPXODWH­G SUREOHPV WKDW have besieged the country. But no one expected that under his oversubscr­ibed leadership things could remain the same or even worse. His long-drawn campaign for the presidency and what appeared as the desperate conspiracy of the establishe­d political elites to make him perpetuall­y unelectabl­e, turned him into a mythical, PHVVLDQLF ÀJXUH GHVWLQHG WR KHOS WKH ORQJ oppressed and over-duped masses from the reckless brigandage of the elite. Peasants, artisans, workers, profession­als and even left wing intellectu­als especially those untainted by ethnic and religious bigotry saw in the clean resume of President Buhari’s service in the various branches of public life as a launch pad to re-take the country from the cesspool of debilitati­ng corruption to which the shameless elites have plunged it. With no title, except one genuinely earned, and not traditiona­l or honorary easily bought and sold across the country, Buhari came across as a harbinger for something genuinely new, during his long years of struggle for the presidency. With a fairly long political odyssey dotted with recriminat­ing electoral losses, he evoked WKH LPDJHV RI VXFK ÀJXUHV DV $PHULFD·V Abraham Lincoln, and even the Chinese reform patriarch, Deny Xiaoping who fell from power several times and was banished to remote village to pick fruits in order to be “re-educated” by peasants. He returned to power in 1978 to orchestrat­e the trajectori­es of China’s economic modernizat­ion that has culminated in the country’s awe-inspiring developmen­t.

'HVSLWH WKH HOLWH·V SHUHQQLDO EOXͿ RI Buhari’s un-electabili­ty, the swath of Nigerian working people, including peasants, artisans and radical intelligen­tial kept faith in his electoral prospects. At the time the traditiona­l political elite and their surrogates were completely discredite­d, and their political cup full and running over, they made a quick dash to President Buhari who had enormous popular good will and was about the only bridge between the rotten discredite­d elites and the angry Nigerians. The hybrid political formation of the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) was actually D PXWXDO WUDGH RͿ LQ ZKLFK %XKDUL EURXJKW his street credibilit­y and acceptance, while the drowning political class invested their PRQH\ WR ÀQDQFH WKH H[SHQVLYH ORJLVWLFV RI presidenti­al campaign.

However, most observers and optimists in the Buhari’s traditiona­l camp saw Buhari compromise with the discredite­d political class as a tactical maneuver only to achieve the strategic goal of attaining power on behalf of the people, after which he would compel the elite to commit suicide as a class and be re-born again as genuinely SDWULRWLF 1LJHULDQV WRWDOO\ ZHDQHG RͿ from primitive accumulati­on and wholly dedicated to building an inclusive healthy and wealthy nation in which no one is left behind. President Buhari’s strong forte of securing the country and making corruption unattracti­ve were the central pillars of his candidacy and on which a new Nigeria was to spring forth. Even his supposedly then, strong nationalis­t credential was considered DQ HͿHFWLYH DQWLGRWH WR WKH UHVXUJHQFH RI ethnic and religious bigotry.

But, seven years into the saddle, the Buhari’s over-subscribed brand is on a free fall. The same elite that hounded him and not only caused him to shed tears but insidiousl­y mocked him as “cry, cry *HQHUDOV DUH KLV LQQHU FLUFOH FRQÀGDQWV Workers, peasants, radical intelligen­tsia are the primary casualties of President Buhari’s rule. Contractor­s, rent collectors, speculator­s, front and middle men and women decked in suit, ties and Agbada, circle all over the places, pocketing KXPRQJRXV XQHDUQHG SURÀW ZKLOH WKH Nigerian people groan. Basic services like electricit­y, water supply are unavailabl­e despite huge investment­s in the sectors.

The ordinary Nigerian’s have known the empty and deceitful demagoguer­y of democracy as only an alibi by which the elite perfected their “white” crimes, and did not stick their heads to elect President Buhari for the ritual of democracy demagoguer­y and chicanery.

But, today and unfortunat­ely, Buhari RͿHUV LQ GRXEOH GRVH WKH HPSW\ VORJDQV RI democracy. Around him and with him, in his presidency are some of his former longterm traducers, a banal clique of self-serving SROLWLFDO SURÀWHHUV GDVKLQJ KRSHV DQG causing the Nigerian people to lose faith in their country.

The security challenges have multiplied while corruption has bounced back as the HQDEOHU DQG VROH FULWHULD IRU SXEOLF R΀FH The disgraced faction of the political elite domiciled in the so- called opposition party have found their voice and as if yesterday never existed, are desperatel­y marketing themselves as messiahs in the waiting.

The question that critically begs for answer is why President Buhari’s seemingly personal integrity and honesty failed to translate to radical program of political FKDQJH 3UHVLGHQW %XKDUL·V IDWDO ÁDZ ZDV in obviously believing that perceived personal honesty and loyalty of associates and even relatives, unrelated to political D΀OLDWLRQV RULHQWDWLR­QV ZRUOGYLHZ RU political conviction­s or ideologies are of nominal or no consequenc­e at all to regime character and performanc­e. That IDWDO ÁDZ RI 3UHVLGHQW %XKDUL KDV Pade his administra­tion despite his personal discipline, an incoherent and acrimoniou­s EXQFK ZLWK UHJXODU LQÀJKWLQJ

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