Group Unveils Business Directory to Support Artisans


and drive innovation among them, Our Lady Mother of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, OLMPH, Ajah, Lagos,has challenged its youth arm, Young Catholic Profession­als(YCP) to productivi­ty, ahead of its 2022 harvest of transforma­tion programme.

According to OLMPH, the move was necessary to enable the youths harness their talents towards self productivi­ty and church’s growth ,while also preparing and positionin­g them as tomorrow’s leaders.

The call led the YCP’s mobilisati­on sub-committee to come up with several initiative­s, Including a business directory service that aimed to support artisans in the building and constructi­on industry.

6SHFLÀFDOO\ WKH PRELOLVDWL­RQ VXE committee would see to promoting parishione­rs’ businesses and services, ZKLOH HQVXULQJ ÀQDQFLDO LQGHSHQGHQ­FH

Speaking further on the initiative, a YCP ([ R΀FLR DQG FRPPLWWHH·V +HDG RI %XVLQHVV Unit, Maryam Owunene Umar commended the parish priest of OLMPH for giving the youths an opportunit­y to serve and express their talent, adding that it was a step in the right direction.

She stated that the directory, which is a corporate page for catholic profession­als, RͿHUV VHDPOHVV PDUNHW SODFH IRU EX\HUV DQG sellers, and enhance visibility of vendors.

She said that the platform would service the needs of parishione­rs in a conversati­onal way and ease operationa­l delivery.

She added, “The idea basically is to create a networking platform whereby parishione­rs operating in the building industry i.e. painters, electricia­ns, tilers, carpenters, building materials suppliers, e.t.c are captured in a singular parish database.

“Most times, parishione­rs go outside to get service right within their nose because there was no system in place to identify and connect vendors to end users.

“We want to harness this platform to build up each other and connect service providers to people that needs it in the church, and in the process foster togetherne­ss, trust and a sense of community for the parishione­rs.”

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