Ikeja Electric Boss Tasks Engineers on Power Challenges in Nigeria

- Funmi Ogundare

Chairman, Board of Directors, Ikeja Electric PLC, Mr. Kola Adesina, yesterday, called on engineers in the country to activate their intellect to produce the change in the power sector that Nigerians desire to see.

Adesina who made this call at the inaugurati­on of Nigerian Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (NIEEE) Egbin- Ikorodu chapter and investitur­e ceremony in Lagos, said it could be through inQRYDWLRQ DQG VFLHQWLÀF PHWKRG

He expressed concern that the country is not generating enough gas regularly and that our plants are not working at fullest capacity, adding that Nigeria is also making so much money in the area of oil and gas, but not in power generating.

According to him, “why are we not generating gas regularly? Why are our plants not generating at fullest capacity? Why are the distributi­on companies not receiving enough power? We are making so much money in oil and gas, but actually not in power. We have committed over a billion dollars into this.”

He said since humanity appreciate­s the contributi­on of engineers and scientists, they should activate their value to solve the power problem confrontin­g the nation rather than point accusing

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In his lecture titled, ‘Sustainabl­e Developmen­t and Energy Generation in Nigeria’ the General Manager (Lagos Region), Transmissi­on Company of Nigeria (TCN), Olugbenga Ajiboye, emphasised on why there had been collapse of the national grid, saying that there is no agreement between the transmissi­on and distributi­on companies.

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