- A.E. GEORGE pays tribute to Akporode Clark, a consummate diplomat Chief George, Ph.D, rtd; Yeye Araba of the Source

Each time I engaged Ambassador Clark I enjoyed a veritable feast of intellectu­al nourishmen­t as he taught me lessons ranging from internatio­nal affairs to insights into Africa’s most important and enduring champion, Nigeria

My life has been profoundly enriched in myriad ways since that day in 2003 that colleagues introduced me to Ambassador Blessing Akporode Clark, &21 $VVLJQHG WR WKH 3XEOLF $ͿDLUV Section of the U.S. Consulate in Lagos, I planned a year-long program to honor Dr. Ralph Bunche’s centenary. As was his generous nature, Ambassador Clark agreed to serve as a resource person as he knew Dr. Bunche personally and had served with him at the United Nations

Headquarte­rs in New York. Fate, however, intervened, as Ambassador Clark--then 73-- was injured in a swimming accident and needed time to rest and recuperate. Thank God he did. Demonstrat­ing his signature discipline, fortitude and grace, Ambassador Clark took the necessary steps to heal. Indeed, I joined friends, colleagues, and admirers from around the world in giving thanks for his indefatiga­ble will to recover. In so doing, he continued to demonstrat­e his profession­al prowess on the Presidenti­al $GYLVRU\ &RXQFLO RQ )RUHLJQ $ͿDLUV Such was his generative spirit that

Ambassador Clark found time to PHQWRU PH , EHQHÀWHG LPPHQVHO\ from his prodigious intellect and profound insights into history and LQWHUQDWLR­QDO DͿDLUV

Whether in Lagos or Abuja, I sat spellbound as he regaled me with stories of his tenure as a Nigerian )RUHLJQ 6HUYLFH 2΀FHU +LV command of diplomatic tradecraft was legendary as he, for example, understood the unacceptab­ly high cost and profound disruption­s wrought by imperialis­m on the world, especially the global south. In addition, his keen interest in my country’s Black Power Struggle was, no doubt, a natural outgrowth of his commitment to our global struggle for human rights. As an architect of Nigeria’s foreign policy, especially its multilater­al diplomacy, I admired Ambassador Clark’s policy acumen long before I met him. As a proud member of Africa’s diaspora, I appreciate­d having Nigeria as a champion for Black folks the world over. Ambassador Clark understood the historical consequenc­e and importance of this role.

I close by acknowledg­ing Ambassador B.A. Clark as the consummate diplomat. I learned so much by listening to him and imbibing his wisdom. Each time I engaged Ambassador Clark I enjoyed a veritable feast of intellectu­al nourishmen­t as he taught me lessons UDQJLQJ IURP LQWHUQDWLR­QDO DͿDLUV WR insights into Africa’s most important and enduring champion, Nigeria. Rest well, dear friend, you have most assuredly earned your place among our honored Ancestors.


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