- Ibrahim Mustapha, Pambegua, Kaduna State

The federal high court sitting in Kaduna preVLGHG RYHU E\ -XVWLFH 0* 8PDU LQ D VXLW ÀOHG E\ Ibrahim Usman challengin­g the declaratio­n of Lawal Adamu Usman aka Mr. LAA as the senatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Kaduna Central in the party primary election held on the 23rd of May 2022 set aside Mr LAA’s victory and ordered for a rerun within14 days of the date of his judgement. In the said primaries Mr LAA triumphed having scored the majority vote in a keen contest; he polled 99 votes against his closest rival Ibrahim Usman who polled 84 votes. A total of 248 votes were cast out of 250 voters accredited. The reWXUQLQJ R΀FHU 'LQJ\DGL PDGH D SXEOLF DQQRXQFHme­nt of the outcome which was witnessed by all the security agencies present including INEC. The national working committee erroneousl­y wrote a letter directing the repeat of the electoral process based on a petition surreptiti­ously submitted to undermine the process and spurn the candidatur­e of Mr LAA.

Perhaps, the state party along with some cohorts could be complicit in the well-designed plot to humiliate the former Vice President by ensuring that KLV KDQGV DUH ZDVKHG RͿ WKH DͿDLUV RI WKH 3'3 LQ Kaduna State. This is evident in the formation of the single-structured campaign council in the state. +LV HͿRUWV WR SURPRWH 6DQL 6LGL WKH JXEHUQDWRU­LDO aspirant who lost to the incumbent candidate as the Director General of the campaign council was thwarted. His attempt to also promote the highest UDQNLQJ SROLWLFDO R΀FH KROGHU LQ WKH VWDWH 6HQ 'DQjuma Lar was frustrated and the state chairman Hassan Hyet was foisted on the council. Earlier on, a decision was reached for the former VP to chair the elders committee which is a creation of the PDP FRQVWLWXWL­RQ 7KH RYHUDOO HͿRUW LV WR SRUWUD\ KLP DV LQHͿHFWLYH DQG SROLWLFDOO\ LUUHOHYDQW LQ WKH H\HV RI the Presidenti­al Candidate, Alh Atiku Abubakar. The last straw that broke the camel’s back was to deny Mr LAA his well -deserved victory because he was of the VP stock.

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