The oil pipeline surveillan­ce firm is off to a good start


Recent approval by President Muhammadu Buhari for the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) to engage the services of an oil pipeline VXUYHLOODQ­FH ÀUP WR JXDUG 1LJHULD·V RLO pipeline network seems to be yielding results. Led by Government Ekpemupolo, popularly known as Tompolo, the security company, which on Tuesday also secured Senate endorsemen­t, is now vigorously confrontin­g a menace that has for years GHÀHG VROXWLRQV :H KRSH LW ZLOO EH WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI ending the near industrial scale theft that has almost crippled the oil and gas sector in Nigeria.

Prior to the engagement, ÀJXUHV IURP WKH 1LJHULDQ Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) had shown that Nigeria, which is yoked to a dubious subsidy regime in the downstream sector, had lost nothing less than 120 million barrels of crude oil between January and September 2022. Crude oil loss in production translates to $12.6 billion in less than a year, according to the NUPRC. It therefore came as no surprise that Nigeria’s submission to the Organisati­on of Oil Producing Countries (OPEC) secretaria­t put September crude output at 938,000 b/d, just over half its quota for the month, while total liquids production was only 1.14mn b/d. This was the magnitude of the existentia­l economic crisis of mind-boggling proportion that necessitat­ed seeking desperate solutions to one of the largest organised crimes targeted at the nation’s economy.

In August, despite the outrage and condemnati­on that greeted the announceme­nt, the NNPCL engaged WKH LQGLJHQRXV SLSHOLQH VXUYHLOODQ­FH ÀUPV WR FXUE the glaring threat to the welfare of Nigerians. The VXUYHLOODQ­FH ÀUP DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH 113&/ &KLHI Executive, Mele Kyari, has discovered 295 illegal connection­s to NNPC pipelines many of which have been in sabotage operations for years. Thousands of

LOOHJDO UHÀQHULHV LQ WKH UHJLRQ KDYH DOVR EHHQ GHVWUR\HG This is in addition to the shocking arrest of those behind a 87-meter-long rogue MT Dein, with registrati­on number L85 B9.50. At the time of arrest, this syndicate had pumped between 600 and 650 cubic metres of FUXGH RLO LQWR ÀYH FRPSDUWPHQ­WV RI WKH YHVVHO ZLWK compartmen­ts from an illegal connection attached to a CNL crude pipeline in the Escravos, Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Clearly, the positive outcomes shown in the reports from the NUPRC reveal a marked 8.18 per cent increase in oil production in early October to about 1,014,485 barrels per day compared with September’s production of 937,766 million barrels a day. To imagine that WKH FRXQWU\ VXͿHUV such enormous revenue depletion while begging IRU IRUHLJQ ORDQV WR ÀQDQFH projects is, to say the least, lamentable. It is therefore important to sustain all FXUUHQW HͿRUWV HYHQ ZKLOH we may seek technologi­cal solutions in the long run.

However, given the rising production and the FRQFRPLWDQ­W IRUHLJQ H[FKDQJH LQÁRZ LW LV REYLRXV WKDW WKH FRVW RI WKH ORFDO VXUYHLOODQ­FH VHFXULW\ RXWÀW LV MXVWLÀDEOH KDYLQJ UHJDUG WR WKH KXPRQJRXV DPRXQWV that would have continued to be lost to the massive theft of the nation’s crude oil resources. What the federal government needs to do, therefore, is to consolidat­e the JDLQV RI WKH SDVW IHZ PRQWKV E\ UDPSLQJ XS WKH ÀJKW against the crude oil thieves, who in the words of the Minister of State for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva, are highly placed and wealthy people.

Although this massive leakage has been going on for years with all the dire implicatio­ns for the environmen­t and national economy, the situation was almost out of control before the interventi­on of engaging a security company. Not only must the federal government ensure that these big criminals are apprehende­d and brought to justice but must also ensure that steps are taken to castrate their capacity to further harm the country.

What the federal government needs to do is to consolidat­e the gains of the past few months by ramping up the fight against the crude oil thieves

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