- Elections must be seen as fair, transparen­t and fair to all, writes LINUS OKORIE Okorie

Nigeria is a democratic state and that means that elections are the only constituti­onally recognised means of choosing leaders at all levels of government. The whistle has been blown already for the 2023 elections and all political parties have already nominated their candidates for the various representa­tive positions. 7KH\ KDYH DOVR LQWHQVLÀHG WKHLU HͿRUWV LQ selling those candidates to the citizens of a great country.

This reality brings to mind the power and responsibi­lity those of us privileged to live in democratic republics have in deciding the destiny of our nation and the capacity to do so peacefully through the ballot box. The future of our country at every election cycle will be determined by how well the citizens are able to responsibl­y play this all important role of ensuring they do not allow some politician­s who want to win elections by all means deny them the right of peacefully voting of candidates of their choice. Nobody will ever deprive the Nigerian people of their right to vote except the Nigerian people themselves and the only way they can do that is by not YRWLQJ .RÀ $QQDQ VDLG ´(OHFWLRQV DUH DW the heart of democracy. When conducted ZLWK LQWHJULW\ WKH\ DOORZ FLWL]HQV WR KDYH a voice in how and by whom they are governed. This is because while human EHLQJV QHHG VHFXULW\ DQG OLYHOLKRRG­V WKH\ DOVR QHHG IUHHGRP GLJQLW\ DQG MXVWLFH µ

President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR has in several occasions made statements that has committed him to oversee free and fair elections. What that means is that ever agency or institutio­n of state must see the commitment of Mr. President as a marching order to ensure that no political party gains more advantage than others. The election must be seen by citizens as IDLU WUDQVSDUHQ­W DQG IDLU WR DOO :KHQ WKLV LV WKH FDVH WKH IRXQGDWLRQ IRU D SHDFHIXO election that inspires citizens to come out en-mass to vote is establishe­d. Citizens FDQ QRZ LGHQWLI\ WKHLU RZQ UROHV DQG ÀQG their own reasons amongst why they want to give themselves to fully participat­e in voting for candidates of their choice. The vision of a free and fair election must be sold vigorously by the current regime in order to win over those who over the years have not voted as a result of the belief that votes do not count. This will also deter thugs and other people within the political parties who want to commit electoral crimes to desist from doing so. People want to see a peaceful election SURFHVV ,I WKH\ ZLQ WKH\ FHOHEUDWH ,I WKH\ ORVH WKH\ ZLOO DFFHSW WKH RXWFRPH DQG RI course congratula­te the winner. This act alone gives more credibilit­y to the electoral process and the regime that conducted the elections. My advice to the president is to ensure he pulls through this commitment. It will be his greatest legacy.

Why should citizens ensure peaceful elections?

/RYH IRU 1DWLRQ *UHDW SHRSOH RI 1LJHULD ZH DUH LQ D QHZ GDZQ DV D QDWLRQ $ WLPH when a new government is about to take over the task of building the Nigeria of our dreams. The turn-out and success of the 2023 elections is one that will clearly distinguis­h our economy and people as a democracy on the rise. It is important we come out enmass driven by high level of patriotism as a result of our love for our nation.

It is more so heart-warming to know WKDW HͿRUWV RI *XDUGLDQV RI WKH 1DWLRQV Internatio­nal (GOTNI) for 27 years since her inception which is geared towards consciousl­y grooming and building the capacities of young Nigerians to become transforma­tional leaders is taking a rewarding step. I am glad to be alive at this time in our nation’s history to experience this robust youthful participat­ion in an election that clearly shows that power belongs to the people of Nigeria – her youth in particular.

$V ZH DSSURDFK HOHFWLRQ ZH SUD\ that God blesses Nigerians with wisdom to make the right choice. It is time to make huge emotional investment in loving this country despite what we have gotten from her. We need to inspire millions RI \RXQJ SHRSOH PHQ DQG ZRPHQ LQ RXU JUHDW FRXQWU\ WR ÀQG GLUHFWLRQ DQG support in selecting leaders who will form the new government; to ensure the best leadership values and approaches to our national engagement and developmen­t. There is a sense of urgency to provide value and inspire our country towards a place of greatness amongst the committee of nations. We must undertake this task. The reality is that one of the reasons we participat­e in the electoral process is to ensure we vote on election day. We must QRW RQO\ YRWH ZH PXVW YRWH IRU WKH ULJKW reason. We must vote for love of nation. We must vote beyond stomach infrastruc­ture.

We must ensure a peaceful election so ZH FDQ FRQWLQXH WR HQMR\ VWDELOLW\ LQ RXU

SROLW\ ,I WKH HOHFWLRQ HQGV XS LQ FULVLV it is simply uncertaint­y for each and every one of us. Some of the politician­s who use the very poor to create a crisis ÀOOHG HQYLURQPHQ­W ZLOO EH WKH ÀUVW VHW RI people to run away from the country with their families and the poor will then kill themselves in an unnecessar­y crisis. We do not have a choice but to make sure we conduct ourselves in ways that bring us only stability and peace.

(YHU\RQH PXVW EHFRPH DQ DJHQW RI SHDFH $OEHUW (LQVWHLQ VDLG ´3HDFH FDQQRW EH NHSW E\ IRUFH LW FDQ RQO\ EH DFKLHYHG E\ understand­ing. There must be high-level negotiatio­ns and dialogue going on at GLͿHUHQW OHYHOV 7KHUH PXVW EH D FRQVHQVXV that Nigerians are tired of rigged elections that have given birth to bad leaders at GLͿHUHQW OHYHO RI OHDGHUVKLS ,W PXVW EH clear amongst citizens that religion and ethnic politics is no longer sustainabl­e. This clear understand­ing that Nigerians will be YRWLQJ IRU RQO\ FRPSHWHQW YLVLRQDU\ DQG SULQFLSOHG FDQGLGDWHV EH\RQG UHOLJLRQ tribe and stomach infrastruc­ture.

I had an opportunit­y to speak to a group of passionate individual­s who had gathered to pray for Nigeria on Saturday morning. One of the speakers had emphasized the need for Nigerians to continue to pray for God to touch the heart of leaders to allow peace to reign as we go to the polls to conduct elections. While agreeing with him that we need to continue to pray as a people for God to intervene and I even gave an instance when Nehemiah heard about the collapse of the wall of Jerusalem while in the NLQJ·V SDODFH 7KH ÀUVW WKLQJ KH GLG ZDV to pray fervently and then requested for the king’s permission for him to rebuild the walls. The rest of his actions were full of responsibi­lity as he undertook the WDVN +H VXUYH\HG WKH ODQG VHW KLV YLVLRQ VWUDWHJL]HG PRELOL]HG KLV WHDP DQG ZHQW into full execution while fully prepared for war with the enemy. He was focused and persistent until he accomplish­ed his FDOO (YHU\ 1LJHULDQ PXVW IROORZ WKH VDPH process. We must get it right this time. 2023 must be our long-awaited year for the most peaceful and credible election. 3OHDVH MXVW DOORZ PH WR GUHDP $IWHU DOO dreams come true.

You must remember if a man does not have a purpose for waking up sleeping becomes interestin­g.

There must be a consensus that Nigerians are tired of rigged elections that have given birth to bad leaders at different level of leadership. It must be clear amongst citizens that religion and ethnic politics is no longer sustainabl­e

is a leadership developmen­t expert spanning 27 years in the research, teaching and coaching of leadership in Africa and across the world. He is the CEO of the GOTNI Leadership Centre.

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