FEMI OGBONNIKAN writes that the Ogun State government has made significan­t strides in infrastruc­ture developmen­t

- Ogbonnikan writes from Abeokuta, Ogun State

Developmen­t is work in progress. It is because socio-economic growth is a continuous process and an unfolding endeavour that never ends until it is cut short by death, which means that every step in the journey to a higher level of comfort and greatness is as important and worthy as any other step. In so far as the developmen­t of infrastruc­ture is concerned, Ogun State has never had it so good.

Of course, performanc­e assessment depends on the eyes with which individual views the developmen­t we see happening in the state under the present administra­tion of Governor 'DSR $ELRGXQ 7KH IDFW WKDW ZH VHH D VLJQLÀFDQW WUDQVIRUPD­WLRQ RI WKH infrastruc­ture landscape in the three senatorial districts in the state today GRHVQ·W PHDQ LW LV VLJQLÀFDQW RU HYHQ noticeable to some other people because

RI WKH GLͿHUHQFHV LQ RXU SHUFHSWLRQ DQG MXGJPHQW :H NQRZ VRPH F\QLFV ZLOO QRW care a hoot about the current economic reality of our time. Many perfection­ists, cynics or pessimists too don’t realise the limitation of resources available at the disposal of the government at this time of the global economic meltdown.

Regardless of individual opinion, bias and prejudice, there is no doubt that the governor has raised the threshold of JRRG JRYHUQDQFH LQ WKH VWDWH $QG LW FDQ only get better.

$V FDQ EH ULJKWO\ LQIHUUHG IURP WKH governor’s address during the recent commission­ing of some projects, it is no longer an end to be celebrated but rather just another stepping stone on the way to bigger and better things. You could see happiness and joy on the faces of Remo people who were present at the commission­ing of 4km Oba Erinwole road which had become almost impassable before the coming of the present administra­tion. Important as the road is to the economic well-being of the people of Sagamu, Ogijo, and even Ikorodu in Lagos State, it was neglected IRU SROLWLFDO SHWWLQHVV 7KH $NDULJER DQG Paramount Ruler of Remoland, Oba %DEDWXQGH $MD\L LQ KLV NH\QRWH DGGUHVV at the occasion, gave testimony that the road before the reconstruc­tion was one of the most deplorable roads in the state.

The story is the same for the roads WUDYHUVLQJ ,ODUR WR ,ODUD $MHER WR $MHQEDGHOH 2GHGD WR 2GRJEROX ,ZRSLQ to Iwoye, Iperu to Ipokia, Sango- Ota to Sagamu, Ijebu- Ode to Ijoko, Igbesa to Igbogila.

It is, therefore, gratifying to note that *RYHUQRU $ELRGXQ KDV VHW WKH WRQH IRU D paradigm shift in governance, believing that people are the ultimate object of developmen­t. It was a promise kept when traditiona­l rulers, state functionar­ies, party faithful, and other critical stakeholde­rs converged on Sagamu, November 21, 2022 to commission 2ED (ULQZROH URDG LQ IXOÀOOPHQW RI the governor’s electionee­ring promise to prioritize the developmen­t of road infrastruc­ture throughout the length and breadth of the state.

The epoch-making event followed the successful completion and FRPPLVVLRQ­LQJ RI $UHSR -RXUQDOLVW Estate Road, Igan/Ishamurin/ Odo6KLNLWL 5RDG $JR ,ZR\H 2NH 2OD Road in Imeko, among others. Indeed, this year has been an all-around year of commission­ing and celebratio­n across all parts of the state.

$QG LW LV MXVW WKH EHJLQQLQJ :KDW LV more? From now till May 29, 2023, when WKH FXUWDLQ GUDZV RQ WKH ÀUVW WHQXUH of the administra­tion, there can be no dull moment again as the governor has given an assurance that there will be commission­ing of, at least, one road project per week across all the three senatorial districts of the state.

That appears to be a tall ambition, right? Yes, it is. But it is doable with the commitment of focused leadership. To meet its aggressive and insatiable quest for infrastruc­tural transforma­tion, the administra­tion has already evolved DOWHUQDWLY­H ÀQDQFLQJ RSWLRQV VXFK DV Public-Private-Partnershi­p (PPP), the establishm­ent of an Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Bond, and other initiative­s to aid the delivery of the administra­tion’s agenda for developmen­t.

:LWK WKH LQLWLDWLYH RYHU PDMRU URDGV and others (Federal roads inclusive) totalling 400km have been constructe­d, reconstruc­ted or rehabilita­ted across the State within the three and a half years of the administra­tion.

+HDU IURP WKH KRUVH·V PRXWK ´:H have spent the last three and half years, rekindling the hope and trust of our SHRSOH LQ WKHLU *RYHUQPHQW :H KDYH prioritise­d the delivery of services and remained focused and committed to the implementa­tion of our ‘Building our )XWXUH 7RJHWKHU· $JHQGD :H UHPDLQ D promise-keeping administra­tion!

“This administra­tion in three years DQG VL[ PRQWKV KDV GRQH PRUH LQ WHUPV of kilometres of roads than previous administra­tions in the State. These road projects include amongst others: Ilaro – Owode Road, Ijebu-Ode-Mojoda(SH 5RDG $EHRNXWD 6LXQ 6DJDPX ,QWHUFKDQJH 5RDG $WDQ /XVDGD $JEDUD 5RDG 3DQVHNH $GLJEH 2SDNR 5RDG ,OLVKDQ $JR ,ZR\H 5RDG HWF

“Let me emphasise that we are equal to the task of commission­ing at least one SURMHFW SHU ZHHN XQWLO ZH HQG RXU ÀUVW term because we are focused, deliberate, and determined to make Ogun a champion sub-national that will be an envy of others in terms of service delivery.

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