
Our christian religious leaders have failed in the performanc­e of their duties to our society. Their failures are evidenced in their bastardiza­tion and commercial­ization of the practice of Christiani­ty in Nigeria.

But in Nigeria, before foreign religions like Islam and Christiani­ty made inroads into the country, the peoples of Nigeria were mainly animists and practition­ers of the African Traditiona­l Religion. And till now, some aspects of the African Traditiona­l Religion are integral part of our African cultures. Think about the worship of ancestors, pouring of libation to the gods, and the incantator­y form of worship, which characteri­ze the African Traditiona­l Religion.

However, the British imperialis­ts, who colonized us, introduced Christiani­ty to us. Christiani­ty was a tool used by the colonialis­ts to extract obedience from the natives. White people did this by instilling fear into Nigerians that they would rot in hell if they failed to obey God’s commands, as they’re written in the Bible. The biblical teachings, which Nigerians received, then, made them malleable and amenable to abiding by laws by which Nigeria was governed, then.

Though countless Nigerians, especially those who hailed from the southern part of Nigeria proselytiz­ed to Christiani­ty, their conversion to Christiani­ty didn’t cause the obliterati­on of the African traditiona­l religion. Till now, we have practition­ers of African traditiona­l religion, who take great pride in practising their religion.

But nowadays, people want to identify with the Christian religion in order to be perceived as modern people. These peoSOH EHORQJ WR PDQ\ GLͿHUHQW UHOLJLRXV VHFWV ZKLFK H[LVW LQ WRday’s Nigeria. The Christian sects include, but are not limited to, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Pentecosta­l Church, The Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Seven Day Adventist Church, and others.

These Christian sects have teachings, which are predicated on the doctrine of love. Jesus Christ, the Messiah and founder of Christiani­ty, who lived on earth more than two thousand years ago, propagated and spread the message of love to people, then. Christ is reputed as the founder of Christiani­ty.

But do our Christian clerics adhere to biblical and Christ’s teachings on love? The answer to this question is an emphatic no. Most Christian clerics in Nigeria distort biblical teachings to suit their purposes so as to achieve their materialis­tic goals. So the practice of Christiani­ty in Nigeria has been bastardize­d and commercial­ized.

In many churches, especiallY the Pentecosta­l ones, their teachings and sermons centre on prosperity message rather than on salvation message. The ministers of God do not inculcate the virtues of holiness, faithfulne­ss, forebearan­ce, and truthfulne­ss into members of their churches. Rather, they prioritize payment RI WLWKHV DQG RͿHULQJV E\ PHPEHUV RI WKHLU FKXUFKHV RYHU SDUticipat­ion in spiritual exercises by members of their churches.

, ZLWQHVVHG ÀUVW KDQG DQ H[HPSOLÀFDWL­RQ RI WKH FRPPHUcial­ization of Christiani­ty when my mother died on January 4, 2022. The clergy man and his spouse, and leaders of the church groups to which my mother belonged insisted that the money my mother owed the church must be paid; otherwise, she would not be given a Christian funeral ceremony by the local Anglican Church she was attending during her lifetime. All her life, my mother worked tirelessly in order that she would be given a Christian funeral ceremony when she died.

Chiedu Uche Okoye, Uruowulu-Obosi, Anambra State

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