Buhari’s Footprints in the Economy


meters to all on-grid consumers, launched in August 2020. The Central Bank of Nigeria is providing 200 billion.

It would be recalled that the contract for the pre-engineerin­g phase of the Presidenti­al Power Initiative (PPI) was signed in February 2021, following the 2020 approval for the payment of FGN’s counterpar­t funding for WKDW SKDVH ZKLOH WKH ÀUVW VHW RI HTXLSPHQW contract awards was made in December 2021, comprising 10 Mobitra Mega Transforme­rs and 10 Substation­s.

There are, as of Q1, 2022, 135 ongoing projects for transmissi­on lines, substation­s, and other associated grid infrastruc­ture. TCN has completed 30 key substation projects and 12 important transmissi­on lines.

Some of the critical grid interventi­ons across the NESI include the resuscitat­ion of the second Egbin-Ajah Transmissi­on Line and the recently commission­ed NDPHC /DÀD ; 09$ ; .9 Transmissi­on Substation (under NIPP). Other RQJRLQJ LQWHUYHQWL­RQV LQFOXGH N9 4XDG Lines in Alaoji to Onitsha, Delta Power Station WR %HQLQ DV ZHOO DV WKH .DQR WR .DWVLQD N9 line (respective­ly).

Housing Projects

President Buhari’s presence was felt in the housing sector as well. For instance, the Federal Government, through the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, has completed or is completing housing projects in 34 states of Nigeria, under the National Housing Programme, with the support of the state governors who provided the land. So far more than 5,000 houses are at various stages of completion, and thousands more are planned.

Water Resources

It is also to the credit of the Buhari administra­tion that a Nigeria Water Sector Roadmap (Immediate and long-term strategies for the VDWHU 6HFWRU KDV EHHQ GHYHORSHG

8SRQ DVVXPSWLRQ RI R΀FH WKH DGPLQLVWUD­tion inherited dozens of projects in the water sector; many of which had been abandoned EHIRUH $WHFKQLFDOD­XGLWLQ LGHQWLÀHG

LQKHULWHG SURMHFWV IRU SULRULW\ FRPSOHWLRQ 37 dams and reservoirs, 41 water supply projects, and 38 irrigation and drainage projects.

6LQFH GDP SURMHFWV KDYH EHHQ completed by the Buhari Administra­tion – 10 completed constructi­on projects and two UHKDELOLWD­WLRQV ² DV IROORZV .DVKLPELOD

Multipurpo­se Dam, Taraba; Ogwashi-Uku Multipurpo­se Dam, Delta; Adada Dam, Enugu; 6XOPD (DUWK 'DP .DWVLQD *LPL (DUWK 'DP .DGXQD $POD 2WXNSR'DP %HQXH $PDX]DUL Earth Dam, Imo; Ibiono-Ibom Earth Dam, $NZD ,ERP *DGDX /DÀD =LJDX 'DP %DXFKL $ODMXH 6PDOO (DUWK 'DP 2VXQ .DPSH 2PL 'DP .RJL 5HKDELOLWD­WLRQ DQG.DUJR'DP .DGXQD 5HKDELOLWD­WLRQ

Ease of Doing Business Reforms

In pursuant of the ease of doing business, President Buhari establishe­d the Presidenti­al Enabling Business Environmen­t Council (PE%(& LQ-XO\ XQGHUWKHFK­DLUPDQVKLS­RI 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW 2VLQEDMR WR GULYH UHIRUPV WR eliminate critical bottleneck­s and bureaucrat­ic constraint­s to doing business in Nigeria. For the ÀUVW HYHU WKH %XKDUL DGPLQLVWUD­WLRQ LQVWLWXWHG D FRRUGLQDWH­G HͿRUW LQ LPSOHPHQWL­QJ UHIRUPV to improve the business environmen­t.

In July 2017, the National Economic Council (NEC) unanimousl­y approved the replicatio­n of PEBEC’s interventi­on structure at the subnationa­l level implemente­d through the PEBEC-NEC Technical Working Group. This mandate was later articulate­d in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017-2020 DQG VXEVHTXHQW­O\ UHWDLQHG LQ WKH 1DWLRQDO Developmen­t Plan (NDP) 2021- 2025.

The Enabling Business Environmen­t Secretaria­t (EBES) is the operationa­l unit of the PEBEC and collaborat­es with Ministries, Department­s, and Agencies (MDAs), the private sector, and other stakeholde­rs at national and subnationa­l levels to articulate and implement reforms.

PEBEC has, working with the public and private sectors, recorded notable achievemen­ts, LQFOXGLQJ

6XEVHTXHQW­O\ 1LJHULD 0RYHG SODFHV up the World Bank Doing Business ranking from 170 to 131.

During the period under review, Nigeria was twice recognised as top 10 most improved economies by the World Bank Doing Business



Digital Economy

Buhari administra­tion also witnessed recordVHWW­LQJ FRQWULEXWL­RQV WR *'3 ,Q WKH ÀUVW TXDUWHU of 2020, ICT singlehand­edly (without digital services) contribute­d 14.07per cent of Nigeria’s *'3 WRSSLQJ WKLV LQ WKH VHFRQG TXDUWHU RI

ZLWK D SHU FHQW FRQWULEXWL­RQ WR GDP and again topping this in the second TXDUWHU RI ZLWK SHU FHQW

7KH DGPLQLVWUD­WLRQ DOVR H[WHQGHG WKH 1Lgerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) ‘Pioneer Status’ to e-Commerce and software developmen­t companies.

The regime’s achievemen­ts also included the launch of a new national 5G policy in 2021 and the successful licensing of two private companies to roll out 5G nationally.

Nigeria’s 5G rollout commenced in August 2022. The 5G spectrum auction has generated $547 million in license fees.

Energy Sector: PIA as a Game Changer

Buhari’s assent to the Petroleum Industry $FW 3,$ RQ $XJXVW ZDV D JDPH FKDQJHU DV LW EURNH D WZR GHFDGH ROG MLQ[ and set the stage for the unpreceden­ted transforma­tion of Nigeria’s oil and gas sector.

Under the new Act, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC), has now become a limited liability company, while a number of the agencies under the petroleum ministry have been restructur­ed.

Again, the signing ceremony in May 2021 RI WKH H[HFXWLRQ RI 2LO 0LQLQJ /HDVH 20/ 118 Agreements between NNPC Limited and LWV &RQWUDFWRU 3DUWQHUV 6KHOO ([[RQ 0RELO TOTAL, and NAOC was a major feat.

These agreements no doubt settled the long-standing disputes that stalled NNPC’s developmen­t of deepwater assets as it will unlock more than $10 billion of new deepwater investment in Nigeria.

Under the Buhari-led administra­tion, Nigeria’s oil and gas industry also recorded a major feat with the Final Investment Decision (FID) in January 2021 on 10,000 tonnes per day methanol plant and 500 million standard cubic feet of gas per day gas processing plant, being promoted by the NNPC Limited and the Nigerian Content Developmen­t and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) in partnershi­p with the private sector. The plant is being constructe­d in Odeama, Brass, Bayelsa State.

As part of its oil sector recovery agenda, the outgoing administra­tion embarked on the comprehens­ive rehabilita­tion of the Port +DUFRXUW 5HÀQHU\ 3+5&

Buhari also supported the establishm­ent RI PRGXODU UHÀQHULHV DFURVV WKH 1LJHU 'HOWD

Making Agricultur­e a Priority

In agricultur­e, the Anchor Borrowers Programme (ABP) of the Central Bank of Nigeria, launched on November 17, 2015, has disbursed more than N800 billion to more than four PLOOLRQ VPDOOKROGH­U IDUPHUV RI GLͿHUHQW commoditie­s (including rice, wheat, maize, cotton, cassava, poultry, soybeans, groundnut, ÀVK FXOWLYDWLQ­J RYHU ÀYH PLOOLRQ KHFWDUHV of farmland.

Another initiative was the Presidenti­al Fertiliser Initiative (PFI) launched as a government-to-government partnershi­p between the Nigerian and Moroccan Government­s, in 'HFHPEHU DQGLWKDVSU­RGXFHG PLOOLRQ

NJ EDJV RI 13. HTXLYDOHQW LQ bringing total production since inception to RYHU PLOOLRQ NJ EDJV HTXLYDOHQW DQG some participat­ing blending plants.

The administra­tion also came up with the 6SHFLDO $JUR ,QGXVWULDO 3URFHVVLQJ =RQHV 6$3= 3URJUDPPH ZKLFK LV D KDOI D ELOOLRQ dollar partnershi­p between the FGN, AfDB *URXS ,V'% DQG ,)$' 8QGHU WKH 6$3= programme, Agro-processing centres will be establishe­d across the country.

Social Investment, Poverty Alleviatio­n

,Q 3UHVLGHQW %XKDUL ODXQFKHG WKH National Social Investment Programme, currently the largest such programme in Africa and one of the largest in the world. The National Social Register (NSR) of poor and vulnerable Nigerians (NSR) now contains more than 50 million persons from more than 12 million SRRU DQG YXOQHUDEOH KRXVHKROGV LGHQWLÀHG across more than 150,000 communitie­s in the VWDWHV RI WKH FRXQWU\ DQG WKH )&7 Fromthisnu­mber,closetotwo­millionpoo­rand vulnerable Nigerian households are currently EHQHÀWLQJ IURP WKH &RQGLWLRQDO &DVK 7UDQVIHU (CCT) program, which pays a bimonthly stipend of N10,000 per household. - In addition, about 355,000 vulnerable persons have received a VSHFLDO RQH RͿ JUDQW RI 1 HDFK LQ WKH states and the FCT.

Fiscal Trade, Monetary, and Investment­s Reforms

The Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority 16,$ KDV VHHQ WRWDO DGGLWLRQDO LQÁRZV IURP the government of around US$2 billion under the Buhari Administra­tion – since the original 86 ELOOLRQZKL­FKWKH)XQGNLFNHGR­ͿLQ

The Nigerian Investment Promotion Council (NIPC) 2017 completed a long-overdue reviVLRQ RI WKH OLVW RI DFWLYLWLHV WKDW FDQ EHQHÀW IURP Nigeria’s Pioneer Status Incentive, which grants EHQHÀFLDU\ FRPSDQLHV D WKUHH WR ÀYH \HDU WD[ holiday.

The administra­tion will also be remembered for the restoratio­n of the Federal Budget to the January-December cycle, with the 2020 Budget, IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LQ \HDUV

It also introduced the annual Finance (Reform) Bills to accompany the annual Federal Appropriat­ion Bill.

Support to States

7KH %XKDUL DGPLQLVWUD­WLRQ KDV H[WHQGHG more than N2 trillion in bailout packages to state government­s, to enable them to meet their salary and pension obligation­s, especially in WKH IDFH RI GZLQGOLQJ RLO UHYHQXHV LQ WKH ÀUVW three years of the administra­tion. The support has come in the form of the Budget Support )DFLOLW\ WRWDO RI 1 ELOOLRQ H[WHQGHG WR the states.

Paris Club Refunds ($5.4 billion). It also made more than N700 billion in refunds for federal road projects embarked upon by state government­s.

Economic analysts said the onus lies with the Tinubu administra­tion to take the gauntlet and build on the achievemen­ts of the Buhari administra­tion.

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