The authoritie­s should do more to stop the menace


IThe hazardous illegal refining process has led to many fatal accidents, in addition to worsening a polluted region blighted by oil spills

ntense campaigns against the danger of illegal oil bunkering do not seem to be yielding fruits. Last October, more than two dozen people were killed following a devastatin­g H[SORVLRQ DW DQ LOOHJDO UHÀQLQJ VLWH DW ,ED LQ Emohua local government area of Rivers State. The dangerous crime persisted last week as no fewer than 25 persons lost their lives following an explosion from an illegal oil tapping point in Omoku in Ogba/Egebema/Ndoni local government area, also in Rivers State.

According to reports, some youths allegedly punctured an ageing pipeline belonging to one of WKH RLO ÀUPV RSHUDWLQJ LQ WKH DUHD 7KH DWWHPSW E\ some impoverish­ed persons to scoop fuel with the aid of plastic buckets resulted in an explosion which consumed many while many others VXͿHUHG YDU\LQJ GHJUHHV of burns. Even with the danger they pose, illegal oil bunkering is thriving in Rivers as in other states in the Niger Delta.

,OOHJDO UHÀQLQJ LV FRPPRQ LQ WKH 1LJHU 'HOWD DQG other oil producing states as locals break pipelines, extract crude oil and process to make low quality fuel for sale. Many of the unemployed and frustrated youths are, more or less, through these measures, turning their anger on the oil companies and indeed the country to extract their share of the national cake in risky actions bordering on criminalit­y. Some of the deadly explosions result from illegal artisanal oil UHÀQLQJ ORFDOO\ FDOOHG ´NSRÀUH µ )RU LQVWDQFH ZLWKLQ a week last July, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC Ltd) reportedly recorded 240 incidents of crude oil theft and pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta. Indeed, several reports estimate that more than 200,000 barrels of crude oil are stolen every day from the Niger Delta, with vast volumes RI WKLV HQGLQJ XS LQ LOOHJDO UHÀQLQJ IDFLOLWLHV DFURVV creeks in the region. These are costly activities that a nation ignores at its own peril.

The frequent blowout of crude oil facilities in the Niger Delta is a grave threat to the nation’s economy, marine ecosystem and the defenseles­s villagers on the coastline who depend on the sea and its feeder rivers for their livelihood. Indeed, apart from the economic challenges of crude oil theft, the environmen­tal degradatio­n associated ZLWK LOOHJDO RLO UHÀQHULHV UHTXLUH XUJHQW DWWHQWLRQ Spills pollute the waters and air, kill plants, animals, GHVWUR\ KDELWDWV DQG JHQHUDOO\ DͿHFW WKH TXDOLW\ RI WKH FUHHNV DQG RFHDQV 7KH KD]DUGRXV LOOHJDO UHÀQLQJ process has led to many fatal accidents, in addition to worsening a polluted region blighted by oil spills. There is still a growing anxiety in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, over the presence of black soot, resulting in poor air quality, and some medical conditions associated ZLWK EUHDWKLQJ GL΀FXOW\ according to reports.

The soot is largely linked to the activities RI LOOHJDO RLO UHÀQHULHV and bunkers. Indeed, in

WKH )HGHUDO 0LQLVWU\ RI (QYLURQPHQW FRQÀUPHG WKH SUREOHP RI VRRW enveloping the city and environs to the operation RI LOOHJDO RLO UHÀQHULHV DQG WKHLU GHVWUXFWLR­Q ´7KHUH is a direct correlatio­n between the level, intensity DQG FRPSRVLWLR­Q RI WKH VRRW DQG LOOHJDO RLO UHÀQHU\ activities, including their destructio­n in the Niger 'HOWD µ WKH PLQLVWU\ VDLG

It is the federal government’s statutory UHVSRQVLEL­OLW\ WR VWRS LOOHJDO EXQNHULQJ DQG UHÀQLQJ of crude oil in the country. But the vast expanse of the nation’s maritime domain makes it expedient for critical stakeholde­rs to emplace more robust collaborat­ive engagement­s to surmount crude oil WKHIW LOOHJDO RLO UHÀQLQJ DQG RWKHU UHODWHG FKDOOHQJHV This latest explosion and attendant human and environmen­tal losses should be treated with urgent and appropriat­e seriousnes­s. It is unacceptab­le that previous tragedies were handled with laxity. This is one too many. There should be an end to many of these avoidable tragedies.

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