- Ibrahim Mustapha, Pambegua, Kaduna State

Nigerians have been ushered into the new year with pomp. Those who survived the excruciati­ng cost of living, insecurity DQG JDOORSLQJ LQÁDWLRQ ODVW \HDU KDYH D VWRU\ WR WHOO

It is no surprise that during his inaugurati­on speech, President Tinubu announced the removal of petroleum subsidy. In DGGLWLRQ WKH SUHVLGHQW XQLÀHG WKH IRUH[ H[FKDQJH UDWH :LWK the announceme­nt of these new policies, Nigerians started to feel the brunt. The cost of living suddenly jumped up. To cushLRQ WKH HͿHFW WKH 7LQXEX V DGPLQLVWUD­WLRQ LQ SURPLVHG to pay palliative­s of N25,000 to 15million Nigerians for period of three months. The government made similar promise to FLYLO VHUYDQWV ,W DJUHHG WR SD\ 1 ZDJH DZDUG IRU VRPH months beginning from September. The million naira question EHJJLQJ IRU DQVZHU LV +DV JRYHUQPHQW IXOÀOOHG WKHVH SURPises? Civil servants who were grappling with cost of living and who put their trust on government received only in September.

Killing by bandits or non-state actors under the eightmonth­old Tinubu's administra­tion is taking a dangerous dimension. Though, the government inherited the insecurity challenges from former the administra­tion, the recent Tudun Biri bomb mishaps and the Plateau Christmas eve carnage pointed to a gory picture of senseless killings. The Tinubu government should develop a robust security measures to protect the lives and properties of Nigerians. Government needs to change tactics on the ongoing war against banditry and other related crimes in the country. The militariza­tion of bandits' ravaged communitie­s has failed to provide the desired outcome. The non- kinetic approach where communitie­s are involved to tackle insecurity have proven more potent. There is the need for government to address the symptoms of insecurity. The menace of banditry in Katsina, Zamfara and kaduna was caused by cattle rustling, illegal mining and injustice. However, in Plateau and Benue States, the intractabl­e crisis beWZHHQ )XODQL KHUGVPHQ DQG QDWLYH IDUPHUV DURVH ODUJHO\ GXH to the dispute over grazing lands. In the South-East, there is unknown gunmen laying siege, maiming and killing defenseles­s Nigerians. These arsonists are driven by secession agenda.

These deep-rooted malaise could be addressed through dialogue. Government should engage the non-state actors who take arms against the state to a constructi­ve dialogue. In his new year message, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, promised to give Nigerian civil servants a living wage and fast track stable power supply. President Tinubu also promised to relieve any non-performing minister of his or her position. Mr President should go beyond mere talk and match his words with actions. :LWK WKH HFRQRP\ VRXWK LQVHFXULW\ DQG LQÁDWLRQ WKUHDWHQLQ­J 1LJHULDQV 3UHVLGHQW 7LQXEX VKRXOG IXOÀOO KLV SURPLVHV LQ RWKer to achieve his much talked "renewed hope agenda"

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