Prospects for Fintech Players in 2024

- Omolabake Fasogbon

The evolution of technology has continued to pave way for innovation­s and engagement DFURVV GLͿHUHQW VHFWRUV The gains are massive to humans, organisaWL­RQV DQG HFRQRPLHV ,Q WKH ÀQDQFLDO sector, technology is revolution­ising monetary transactio­ns, thus creating a world of new opportunit­ies in the ÀQDQFLDO WHFKQRORJ\ ÀQWHFK VXE sector.

7KH EUHDNWKURX­JKV LQ ÀQWHFK including mobile payment, digital lending, and blockchain have beem IUXLWIXO IDU EH\RQG ÀQDQFLDO LQFOXVLRQ growth.

/LNH WHFKQRORJ\ ÀQWHFK WRR LV evolving which according to pundits translates to more progress for PDQNLQG 0HDQLQJ WKDW ÀQDQFLDO inclusion will be deepened, more DQG PRUH SHUVRQV ZLOO EH ÀQDQFLDOO\ independen­t through new employment opportunit­ies, while companies and individual­s can boast of enhanced productivi­ty.

And with Fintech Digital Investment PDUNHW LQ 1LJHULD H[SHFWHG WR KLW $13.70 billion in 2027, according to 6WDWLVWD H[SHUWV EHOLHYH WKDW LW LV D sector for investors, whether big or VPDOO WR H[SORUH LQ

Although, the sector has had its fair share of the market, Reuters says SURMHFWHG KLJKHU LQWHUHVW UDWHV LQÁDtion, and greater investor scrutiny are LQFHQWLYHV IRU ÀQWHFK LQ WKH FRPLQJ year.

&XOOHG IURP D ÀQWHFK DSS NowNow, below are some trends to VKDSH ÀQWHFK LQ 7KH\ DUH QHZ opportunit­y baits for investors.

Decentrali­sed Finance (DeFi) Maturation

Decentrali­sed Finance, DeFis ‘ prominence is set to grow even further in 2024. The platforms leverage blockchain technology to provide WUDGLWLRQD­O ÀQDQFLDO VHUYLFHV OLNH OHQG ing, borrowing, and trading without the need for traditiona­l intermedia­ries. Likewise, as the platforms mature, WKH\ H[SHFW WKDW WKH\ ZRXOG VSXU increased security, improved user interfaces, and a broader array of ÀQDQFLDO SURGXFWV ZLWKLQ WKH 'H)L ecosystem.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Central banks worldwide are acWLYHO\ H[SORULQJ WKH LPSOHPHQWD­WLRQ RI digital currencies. It is thus anticipate­d that in 2024, there would EH VLJQLÀFDQW DFFHOHUDWL­RQ LQ WKH developmen­t and deployment of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). These digital representa­tions of national currencies aim WR HQKDQFH ÀQDQFLDO LQFOXVLRQ reduce transactio­n costs, and provide central banks with new tools for monetary policy.


:LWK DUWLÀFLDO LQWHOOLJHQ­FH JURZWK LW LV DOVR H[SHFWHG WR see increased integratio­n of AI in areas such as fraud detection, customer service, and personDOLV­HG ÀQDQFLDO DGYLFH ,Q too, it is hoped that machine learning algorithms would become more sophistica­ted, HQKDQFLQJ H΀FLHQF\ DQG DFFXUDF\ DFURVV ÀQDQFLDO SURFHVVHV

Green Fintech and Sustainabl­e ,QYHVWLQJ

Environmen­tal, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerat­ions are gaining prominence in the ÀQDQFLDO ZRUOG 7KHUH LV OLNHO\ to be a surge in Green Fintech initiative­s that leverage technology to promote sustainabi­lity. 7KLV LQFOXGHV WKH ULVH RI ÀQWHFK platforms facilitati­ng sustainabl­e investing, carbon footprint tracking, and the integratio­n RI (6* FULWHULD LQWR ÀQDQFLDO decision-making processes.

NFTs and Digital Asset Management

In 2024, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are likely to make ZDYHV LQ ÀQDQFH +HQFH ÀQWHFK SODWIRUPV PD\ H[SORUH WKH XVH RI NFTs for tokenising real-world assets, creating new opportunit­ies for fractional ownership and enhancing liquidity in traditiona­lly illiquid markets.

Open Banking Expansion

Equally important, open banking, which allows thirdSDUW\ ÀQDQFLDO VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV WR DFFHVV FRQVXPHU ÀQDQFLDO informatio­n through APIs, is set WR H[SDQG IXUWKHU LQ 7KLV trend promotes competitio­n, fosters innovation, and provides consumers with more control RYHU WKHLU ÀQDQFLDO GDWD 7KH open banking platforms will also see to the birth of range of ÀQDQFLDO VHUYLFHV

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