Fashion Brand, Iroko Launched at Lagos Fashion Festival

- Precious Okoi Ferdinand Ekechukwu

Lagos Fashion Festival returned this year, featuring performanc­es from musicians, dancers, and models strutting down the runway. Set against the breathtaki­ng backdrop of the Lagos Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island on the 2nd of March, it brought together a gathering of fashion enthusiast­s, designers, product vendors, fashion bloggers, and fashion houses from across Nigeria and beyond.

7KLV ¶/X[XU\ (GLWLRQ· RI WKH IHVWLYDO VKRZcased clothes and fashion accessorie­s from profession­als, young, and aspiring designers. Iroko, a ready to wear female brand that

SURGXFHV H[TXLVLWH KDQGPDGH FORWKHV DQG hand bags, made impressive debut at the show with the launch of its beautiful collection of African inspired pieces on the stands and the runway.

With minimalist designs, the founder and creative director, Precious Okoi, disclosed ,URNR·V FROOHFWLRQ­V UHÁHFW D EOHQG RI DUW DQG fashion. “Why we say arts meets fashion is because most of our pieces have hand painted designs on them that speak to our African URRWV DQG ZH DOVR KDYH ÁRZHU\ FROOHFWLRQ and that also appeals to whatever aesthetic that we want.

“We also have our handmade bags of beautiful cowhide leather and it also has hand painted designs on them as well,” she added. She speaks further on the brand’s backstory. “I’m the daughter of a tailor (laughs). Yes, my mum. I grew up in the house of a tailor. But I didn’t toe the line until very recently. But I have always been fashion conscious.

“I have always loved putting things together and coming up with something unique. I believe so much in minimalism and simplicity. So, why I now decided to take this further is , VDZ D QLFKH WKDW , FRXOG ÀOO

“So, I felt one way I can tell a part, because I cannot tell it all, a part of the African story LV WKURXJK H[SUHVVLRQ LQ RXU GHVLJQV ZKLFK LV why I said our designs are artistic in nature. You will see the beauty and simplicity of it in the design. So, that is one thing that I just decided that ‘okay let me tell our story through our designs, through fashion.”

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