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Marvel Unveils ‘X-23’ Comic Following Wolverine’s Return From the Dead

- Source: THR.com

The new series, launching in July, stars Laura, the clone of Wolverine made famous by last year’s ‘Logan’ movie. Laura Kinney is going back to her roots after spending a few years going by the name Wolverine.

With Logan, the original incarnatio­n of Wolverine back from the dead after four years, Marvel has signaled that its AllNew Wolverine series will end soon, to be replaced with a brand-new comic book series featuring Laura that will be titled X-23.

The new series, which will see Laura return to the name she used when first introduced in a 2003 episode of the animated series X-Men: Evolution, will be written by Mariko Tamaki, whose work includes the award-winning graphic novel This One Summer as well as Marvel’s recent She-Hulk series, with art from All-New Wolverine’s Juann Cabal.

“This is a story about being in the very weird kind of family that someone like Laura/X-23 finds herself in,” Tamaki said in a statement about the series. “It’s about what it means to wrestle with legacy and identity when you were created to be a weapon and not someone with a birthday and a sister. I love writing these characters, I love the ferocity that comes with them, and I love the supporting cast we’ve put together for these issues.”

Marvel’s returning the Wolverine clone to the “X-23” moniker comes a year after the character came to mainstream prominence under that name in the movie Logan. James Mangold’s Academy Award-nominated feature ended with the titular character dead, but without Laura seeming poised to take on the Wolverine identity for herself, as she had in comic book mythology. (Mangold talked about writing a Laura-centric spinoff last year, but the project’s current status is unclear in light of the looming Disney-Fox merger.)

The end of the current All-New Wolverine comic book series comes as Marvel is working on returning the newly revived Logan to the role, with four different miniseries launching in May under the umbrella title Hunt for Wolverine.

The new X-23 comic book series launches in July.

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