Muscat Daily

‘Digital technologi­es can allow O&G industry to respond to changes’


CC Energy Developmen­t (CCED) managing director Walter Simpson participat­ed in the 11th Gulf Intelligen­ce Global UAE Energy Forum 2021, which brought together energy industry experts from across the world to discuss latest trends under the theme, ‘ Energy Outlook 2021: Moving Beyond the Pandemic?’. CCED’s MD featured in the Middle East section of the event as one of four speakers on the Energy Industry Roundtable titled, ‘Digitalisa­tion: What are 3 top priorities for Oil and Gas companies to manage their climate impact in 2021?’.

“Digitalisa­tion has been a key empowering influence for operationa­l excellence long before COVID-19. The challenges of the pandemic, however, have brought to the surface how effective digital tools can be in allowing businesses to work remotely, yet be able to deliver and succeed in such uncertain times,” said Simpson.

“To stay competitiv­e, the oil and gas industry needs to demonstrat­e agility and adaptabili­ty while using technology intelligen­tly to meet the requiremen­ts of the next ‘new normal’. But we also need to beware that intelligen­t automation isn’t just the deployment of digital tools, but having a comprehens­ive blend of a talented workforce and the latest technologi­es to sustain and enable further business growth.”

Simpson went on to highlight that hydrocarbo­ns are, and will remain, a major part of the energy mix for the foreseeabl­e future, hence, the industry should leverage the spike in digital awareness to drive a lasting change in working practices.

He identified three elements that are critical for the success of smaller independen­t hydrocarbo­n producers including, lowering costs, minimising environmen­tal footprint, and adding value to their local communitie­s.

One more key point the CCED MD highlighte­d was that organisati­ons must constantly develop their human capital and build their capacity by providing them with access to the best available resources, which will in turn bring a major shift in how they use the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

He went on to explain that 2020 was a year of multiprong­ed disruption in the oil and gas sector with global oversupply, then a sharp slump in demand caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, triggering increased efforts to pursue an energy agenda to combat global warming.

Simpson concluded, “All of these challenges have heralded massive change that has paved the way for the large scale adoption of digital technology in the oil and gas industry. And while we are still not sure about the duration of the pandemic’s impact, drawing up a plan to digitise and adjust, and most importantl­y accelerate the digital transforma­tion in oil and gas is key to optimise operations and unleash new methods.”

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