Muscat Daily

Exercises for heel pain


Heel pain can be caused due to numerous reasons, from wearing faulty footwear to having uric acid disorders. However, it is quite a discomfort­ing condition which presents itself, not just during daytime activity but also immediatel­y after a good night's sleep. After proper diagnosis of the condition, some exercises can be helpful in reducing pain as well as leading to quicker recovery.

The wall and book stretch

Put a phone book or a couple of thick books on the floor about two feet away from a wall. Stand on the books so that your arches are supported but your heels overhang the back edge of the books. With your hands to either side of your face at shoulder width, slowly lean forward so that your hands are supporting your weight against the wall in front of you. Hold this position for fifteen seconds.

After the fifteen seconds are up, straighten your back while still supporting yourself with your hands on the wall. Lift up and down gently on the balls of your feet ten times. Next, change your position so that you are standing on your right foot only. Lean toward the wall, hold fifteen seconds, straighten up and do ten lifts on your right foot only. Finally, switch to your left foot and repeat the exercise.

This heel pain exercise gently stretches the plantar fascia ligaments, the Achilles’ tendon and the calf muscles, promoting better elasticity and healing. The Wall Stretch also has the added bonus of helping you build new, strong muscle tissue in your calves.

Morning heel pain exercises

This is a series of three exercises intended to be performed before you get out of bed in the morning. First, sit up in bed with your legs together and fully extended in front of you. Slowly point your toes outward and downward ten times. Next, maintain your sitting position and wrap a belt, scarf or towel around the ball of your right foot, holding the ends of the item in each hand like the reigns of a horse.

Sitting up straight, use your arm strength to gently tug the ball of the foot toward your body, flexing the muscle. Hold the position for twenty to thirty seconds. Be sure you are using the strength of your arms – not your foot – to create the necessary stretch. Then, perform the exercise with your left foot.

Finally, use your thumbs and fingertips to gently massage the sole of your foot for several minutes. This is where your plantar fascia ligament is located and by doing a simple massage, you will warm up the ligament to help it bear your weight when you first get out of bed.

One of the most common symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis is heel and foot pain upon first stepping out of bed. These exercises warm up the muscles and ligaments of the feet preventing morning heel pain.

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