Muscat Daily

Replenish your energy levels


During the holy month of Ramadan, healthy adult Muslims practise daily fasting from dawn until sunset. Traditiona­lly, one breaks the fast at sunset with a meal called Iftar and then eats again pre-dawn at Suhoor. According to Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, there is evidence to suggest that fasting can have positive effects on your health.

By following simple guidelines, it may help you lose weight and decrease blood pressure and cholestero­l. Alternativ­ely, over-indulging at iftar and suhoor can cause weight gain. The holy month is often seen as a time to practise self-control, selfdiscip­line, sacrifice and empathy for those less fortunate. It is encouraged to try to maintain these practices even outside of fasting hours. drates, such as fruit and vegetables, beans, chickpeas and lentils, will provide you with a long-lasting source of energy throughout the day. Include low fat dairy products, such as low fat labneh or laban, with your meal and try to incorporat­e healthy unsaturate­d fats like avocado, unsalted nuts, salmon, olives and olive oil.

Eating three dates to break your fast is a traditiona­l and healthy way to begin iftar. Dates are an excellent source of fibre. Incorporat­e plenty of vegetables to provide vital vitamins and nutrients. Choose whole grains, which provide the body with energy and fibre. Enjoy grilled or baked lean meat, skinless chicken and fish, to get a good portion of healthy protein. In general, avoid fried and processed foods high in fat or sugar. Enjoy your meal, avoid overeating.

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