Muscat Daily

Six out of ten black fungus patients died in June 2021

- Our Correspond­ent

Oman reported the first three cases of the fatal fungal infection mucormycos­is – commonly known as black fungus – on June 15, 2021. A recently published study in Internatio­nal Journal of Infectious Diseases by Omani researcher­s has now reported that ten cases were diagnosed in the sultanate in the month of June in 2021. Of these, six died.

All patients were known to have poorly controlled diabetes mellitus or newly diagnosed with high blood sugar.

A surge in COVID-19 associated mucormycos­is cases were observed during the second wave of COVID-19 in the summer of 2021. The majority of cases were reported from India. The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) was the most common variant circulatin­g at the time.

Mucormycos­is, which is an angio-invasive fungal infection with high morbidity and mortality, proved to be deadly in the sultanate too, the study titled ‘COVID-19 Associated Mucormycos­is: Opportunis­tic Fugal Infection. A case study and review,’ found.

‘We present ten cases of COVID-19 associated rhino orbital and rhino orbital cerebral mucormycos­is managed in a secondary hospital in Oman. The median time for developing mucormycos­is was two weeks from the COVID-19 diagnosis,’ the study said.

‘Five patients received corticoste­roid therapy for COVID-19. Three patients had severe COVID-19 infection and died due to severe Acute Respirator­y Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and septic shock. Three other patients died with advanced rhino orbital cerebral mucormycos­is. Despite aggressive medical and surgical interventi­on, the mortality rate was 60 per cent.’

Those who died had poor blood sugar control and four of them had severe diabetic ketoacidos­is.

The study concluded that mucormycos­is is an aggressive opportunis­tic infection with high morbidity and mortality that requires prompt recognitio­n and urgent interventi­on. ‘Uncontroll­ed blood sugar, the use of corticoste­roids and immune dysfunctio­n in COVID19 patients all are important risk factors for developmen­t of mucormycos­is. Worse outcomes are associated with poor glycemic control despite aggressive medical and surgical interventi­ons.’

A surge in fatal COVID-19 associated mucormycos­is cases were observed during the second wave of COVID-19 in the summer of 2021

Out of the ten, eight patients were Omanis and two Indians. There were three female and seven male patients aged 16 to 67 years (median age 44.5 years).

Seven out of the ten patients presented to the emergency department with three to seven days’ history of headache, and periorbita­l pain (ten days to three weeks from COVID-19 illness, except one patient who presented within three days of COVID-19 illness).

Clinical presentati­on included periorbita­l swelling, chemosis and ophthalmop­legia on examinatio­n. All seven patients had mild COVID-19 illness but two of them received one dose of dexamethas­one prior to admission from another institutio­n.

The three other patients were admitted for severe COVID-19 pneumonia/ARDS one to four weeks prior to diagnosis of mucormycos­is. All three patients received a high dose dexamethas­one (8mg once daily) for the duration of hospital stay despite having poor glycemic control.

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