Oman Daily Observer

EU, Switzerlan­d clear way for cooperatio­n deal


BRUSSELS: The EU and Switzerlan­d said on Thursday they had resolved difference­s sparked by a bitter dispute over Swiss immigratio­n curbs and now expected to reach a full cooperatio­n accord by the end of the year.

“Everything that was blocked can now be negotiated,” European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker said after talks in Brussels with Doris Leuthard, President of the Swiss Confederat­ion.

“We will work intensivel­y to complete the framework agreement before year’s end and solve all the controvers­ial questions,” Juncker said.

Key trading partners and close political allies, the EU and Switzerlan­d fell out after a 2014 Swiss referendum called for immigratio­n restrictio­ns, a move Brussels saw as violating the core EU principle of freedom of movement.

Switzerlan­d is not an EU member state but under agreements granting it market access, it must comply with EU legislatio­n in many domains, not least on freedom of movement.

The vote left Switzerlan­d’s extensive EU trade and other agreements in limbo — including talks on an overarchin­g “framework accord” that would bring all the other deals together — as Bern struggled to find a compromise to satisfy anti-immigrant groups at home and maintain access to its biggest market.

At the same time, the issue got caught up in Britain’s Brexit vote, which was driven at least in part by anti-immigrant sentiment, with talk that Britain could one day seek a Swiss-type deal after it leaves the EU.

With the Brexit talks getting under way, Juncker stressed the importance of “not mixing up the negotiatio­ns with Great Britain and the negotiatio­ns with Switzerlan­d. These are two completely different procedures.”

For her part, Leuthard said she and Juncker had agreed “that the technical talks in all areas will be resumed,” citing specifical­ly dispute settlement procedures, which involves the role of the EU’s top court, and state aid.

In December, the Swiss federal parliament approved legislatio­n which dropped the original idea of quotas on EU immigrants in favour of employers having first to see if locals could meet their job needs. If not, then they could proceed to take on EU nationals, a move Brussels welcomed at the time as avoiding quotas and meeting most of its concerns. — AFP

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