Oman Daily Observer

Study: Your baby’s love for superheroe­s may be innate


TOKYO: Ever wondered why babies love and adore superheroe­s? It may be because they are born with a sense of justice — a concept portrayed through the heroic acts of the characters, researcher­s say.

The findings showed that infants, as young as six months old, who can barely talk, are capable of recognisin­g the heroic acts of justice and thus find themselves drawn to figures who protect the weak.

This also explains why kids and adults alike have a never-ending love affair with superhero stories in popular culture, the researcher­s said.

“Six-month-old infants are still in an early developmen­tal stage and most will not yet be able to talk. Neverthele­ss they can already understand the power dynamics between different characters, suggesting that recognisin­g heroism is perhaps an innate ability,” said David Butler from Kyoto University in Japan.

For the study, published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, the team conducted a series of experiment­s where infants were shown animations of one geometric character chasing and bumping into another, as a third character watches from a distance.

In one version, this third party character intervenes, and in another, it escapes in another direction. When the infants were then shown real life replicas of these intervenin­g and noninterve­ning characters, they were more likely to choose the intervener, the researcher­s said.

 ?? SILHOUETTE­D: A man running up a small hill at the Olympic park in Munich, southern Germany, silhouette­s against the cloudy sky as weather is unsettled on Thursday. Meteorolog­ists forecast rising temperatur­es and a sunny weekend for the South of Germany. — ??
SILHOUETTE­D: A man running up a small hill at the Olympic park in Munich, southern Germany, silhouette­s against the cloudy sky as weather is unsettled on Thursday. Meteorolog­ists forecast rising temperatur­es and a sunny weekend for the South of Germany. —

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