Oman Daily Observer

Iraq faces vast challenges despite victories over IS


Iraq’s victory over the IS group in Tal Afar was the latest in a string of gains against the group, but Iraqi forces still face massive challenges, experts say. In 2014, IS staged a rapid advance across northern Iraq, with police and military personnel abandoning their posts to the extremists with barely a fight. That allowed IS to seize nearly a third of the country’s territory including Mosul, which was fully recaptured by Iraqi forces in July, three years after IS declared its self-styled “caliphate” from a mosque in Iraq’s second city.

Today, Prime Minister Haider al Abadi, who took office three months after the 2014 military debacle, says the Iraqi state is back — stronger and better organised.

Under the premier’s command and backed by a US-led multinatio­nal coalition, Iraqi forces have retaken Tikrit, Ramadi, Fallujah and, after a gruelling nine-month battle, Mosul.

On Thursday, Abadi announced the recapture of the town of Tal Afar and surroundin­g areas, bringing the whole of Nineveh province of which Mosul is the capital under government control.

With support from foreign military trainers, Iraqi forces have “gained a lot of combat and coordinati­on capacity in just a year”, said a French military official. “Relatively well-organised and trained but also well-supported, (they) have been able to stop the IS organising along coherent lines of defence.”

During the fight for Mosul, described by an American general in Baghdad as “the toughest urban battle since World War II”, Iraqi troops suffered heavy losses.

But they have now forced IS out of all its Iraqi territory except the town of Hawija, 300 km north of Baghdad, and a few pockets of territory near the border with Syria.

In doing so, they have regained “the confidence of their fellow citizens and internatio­nally”, said Jassem Hanoun, an Iraqi military expert, after the loss of face of three years ago.

Coalition officials say Iraqi-led decisionma­king and better sharing of intelligen­ce between Baghdad and the US-led coalition have allowed for quicker, more targeted attacks.

But Iraq’s Foreign Minister Ibrahim al Jafari warned on August 26 that “victory in Iraq will not mean an end to the danger posed by IS”.

He said Iraq would continue its military cooperatio­n with the coalition, saying it needed “preventive security” against “terrorist cells working in the shadows”.Hanoun said IS would likely go back to its “original mode of operation”, attacking targets such as residentia­l districts and markets. But a lack of coordinati­on and organisati­on means the security services struggle to cope with such attacks, he said.

The question of whether and how the coalition will continue to operate in Iraq is a hot political topic both for Baghdad and for Washington, which in 2011 finally withdrew its troops eight years after leading an invasion in 2003.

Abadi’s cooperatio­n with the US poses a pressing dilemma: what will become of the Hashed al Shaabi paramilita­ry coalition, key to the fight against IS but dominated by militias backed by Iran. Most leaders call for the Hashed, currently under the command of the prime minister, to remain in its current form.

But paramilita­ry groups have played a problemati­c role in Iraqi politics as far back as the 1930s, according to Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professor of internatio­nal history at the Graduate Institute in Geneva.

On top of the sectarian question, Iraq faces another challenge to its coherence as a nation: a referendum on independen­ce for its autonomous Kurdish region, set for September 25.

The US and coalition members are strongly opposed to the poll, saying it could distract from the fight against IS. Baghdad is also set to hold provincial and parliament­ary elections in spring 2018, posing a test for Abadi.

The premier has “made the success of the military campaign a selling point as a way to prove his ‘reforms’ are working”, said Kirk Sowell, a political risk analyst and publisher of Inside Iraqi Politics.

But Abadi’s campaign could suffer from low oil prices, which have hit the Iraqi state’s coffers hard. “As the election will not be held sooner than next April or May, by then the lousy economy could weigh more heavily on voters’ minds” than this summer’s military victories, Sowell said.

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