Oman Daily Observer

Spanish PM calls for return of ‘democratic and free’ Catalonia

We have to recover the sensible, practical, enterprisi­ng and dynamic Catalonia, says Rajoy


BARCELONA: Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Sunday he wanted to return to a “democratic and free” Catalonia as he aimed to rally support for a unified Spain on his first visit to the turbulent region since it declared independen­ce.

A day after hundreds of thousands of people marched in Barcelona to demand the release of separatist officials detained over their independen­ce drive, Rajoy also urged businesses not to flee the wealthy northern region.

“We have to recover the sensible, practical, enterprisi­ng and dynamic Catalonia... that has contribute­d so much to the progress of Spain and Europe,” Rajoy told members of his Popular Party in Barcelona.

“We want to regain a Catalonia for everyone, democratic and free,” he added.

The Catalonia crisis has caused concern in the European Union as the bloc deals with Brexit and uncertaint­y over the fate of the region’s 7.5 million people. More than 2,400 businesses have moved their legal headquarte­rs elsewhere.

Rajoy on Sunday businesses “not to go”.

Separatist lawmakers, who were dismissed by Madrid after declaring urged those their region independen­ce from Spain last month, insist that they were given a mandate for secession by a banned October 1 referendum.

However, pro-unity camps say that the vote was deeply flawed and largely boycotted by opponents of independen­ce, though more than 90 per cent of those who turned out backed a breakaway.

Several officials have been detained over their role in pushing for independen­ce, which is outlawed under Spain’s post civil-war constituti­on.

The region — which accounts for a fifth of Spanish GDP — remains deeply divided on independen­ce and Barcelona´s mayor on Saturday slammed separatist lawmakers for dragging Catalonia into chaos.

A poll commission­ed Sunday by the Madrid-based El Pais daily showed that less than a third of Catalans now believed independen­ce was possible in the near future.

The 28 per cent of respondent­s who said they thought swift secession was viable was down sharply from a similar poll in October.

Rajoy has used his powers as head of Spain’s central government to dismiss Catalan lawmakers, suspend the region’s autonomy and call for fresh regional elections on December 21.

The prime minister, who attended a presentati­on by a party candidate at hotel in Barcelona, did not appear in public.

Rajoy’s Party Popular won only 8.5 per cent in Catalona’s last election two years ago that saw pro-independen­ce parties sweep to power.

His candidate Xavier Garcia Albiol on Sunday said events since the October 1 referendum showed that “independen­ce is toxic and is destroying Catalonia.”

Eight ministers under Catalan exleader Carles Puigdemont have been detained on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds. Two heads of pro-independen­ce lobby groups are also behind bars.

Six former parliament­arians were granted bail last week by Spain’s Supreme Court on similar charges.

 ?? — Reuters ?? Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Catalan People’s Party (PP) president Xavier Garcia Albiol and member Alejandro Fernandez salute the crowd during a Catalan regional PP meeting in Barcelona on Sunday.
— Reuters Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Catalan People’s Party (PP) president Xavier Garcia Albiol and member Alejandro Fernandez salute the crowd during a Catalan regional PP meeting in Barcelona on Sunday.

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