Oman Daily Observer

Tax plan a ‘great gift’ to middle class: Trump


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump (pictured) defended a Republican tax-cut plan against Democratic charges that it favours the rich, saying it will be “one of the great Christmas gifts” for the middle class with just days to go before Congress votes.

With a vote on the biggest tax rewrite in three decades set for Tuesday, Republican­s were working to ensure party members were holding the line in favour of the legislatio­n against entrenched Democratic opposition.

The plan was finalized on Friday after Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Corker pledged their support. Three Republican senators, enough to defeat the measure in a Senate that Trump’s party controls with a slim 52-48 majority, remained uncommitte­d: Susan Collins, Jeff Flake and Mike Lee.

Passage in Congress would provide Republican­s and Trump with their first major victory since he took office in January.

“It’s going to be one of the great Christmas gifts to middle-income people,” Trump told reporters at the White House before he boarded a helicopter for meetings at Camp David.

“The Democrats have their sound bite, the standard sound bite before they even know what the bill is all about,” he added.

The proposed package would slash the US corporate tax rate to 21 per cent and cut taxes for wealthy Americans.

Under an agreement between the House of Representa­tives and Senate, the corporate tax would be 1 percentage point higher than the 20 per cent rate earlier proposed, but still far below the current headline rate of 35 per cent, a deep tax reduction that corporatio­ns have sought for years.

Democrats have slammed the plan as a giveaway to corporatio­ns and the rich that would drive up the federal deficit.

For months, Trump has touted the bill as a middle-class tax cut. Studies from independen­t analysts and non-partisan congressio­nal researcher­s have projected that corporatio­ns and the rich would benefit disproport­ionately.

Trump repeated that the tax overhaul would help bring in $4 trillion in foreign profits from US companies.

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