Oman Daily Observer

Russia airs video of school gunman in ‘Hate’t-shirt


MOSCOW: Russian television on Sunday aired footage of the teenage gunman who killed 20 at his college in Moscow-annexed Crimea calmly mowing down victims while wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the word “Hate.”

A reporter said the security camera footage was broadcast because of widespread speculatio­n about the official account of the massacre on the peninsula annexed from Ukraine in 2014.

The footage confirms that the 18-year-old gunman, Vladislav Roslyakov, dressed to imitate the Columbine high school shooting in the United States, after Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed the crime on “globalisat­ion.”

In a new developmen­t, Roslyakov is shown talking to another boy, who could be an “accomplice”, a television reporter suggested, while investigat­ors said he acted alone.

Officials have questioned how Roslyakov mounted a massive killing spree without outside help. “After the tragedy there have been so many rumours and so much speculatio­n and conjecture and it’s so important to know the truth,” a TV reporter said.

The footage, aired on Rossiya-1 television, shows the teenager wearing a white T-shirt with the slogan “Hate” as he enters the technical college carrying a sports bag and bypassing security.

At one point he is shown talking to another pupil, who could be an accomplice keeping watch for him, Russian television suggested.

However, a law enforcemen­t official speaking anonymousl­y told RIA Novosti state news agency on Saturday that Roslaykov “prepared alone” and “had planned this since January 2017.”

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