Oman Daily Observer

British opposition leader warns of no deal Brexit danger


BRUSSELS: British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn warned on Thursday a no deal Brexit was a “very serious and present” risk and blamed Prime Minister Theresa May’s inflexible negotiatin­g position.

Corbyn met EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels one day after May also met top European Commission officials and as talk in London grew of a possible breakthrou­gh in the coming days.

A Brexit deal struck by May and the other 27 EU leaders in November was rejected by British lawmakers in January and since then she has struggled to thrash out a compromise over the so-called “Irish backstop” issue.

Corbyn said he had “useful, informativ­e and very frank” conversati­ons with Barnier and other EU officials, outlining his Labour Party’s proposal that Britain should enter a customs union with the bloc when it leaves — an idea unacceptab­le to many Brexit supporters who say it would tie London’s hands on trade deals.

“The danger of no deal exit from the EU for Britain is a very serous and present one,” Corbyn told reporters afterwards, urging May to soften her negotiatin­g stance, which he said was being driven by her Conservati­ve Party’s ultra-brexiteer European Research Group (ERG) of MPS.

“She is allowing herself to be held to ransom by a small group in her party called the ERG and that is some of the problem. She has got to change her ways, otherwise the danger of a no deal exit, with all the chaos that would cause, is a very real possibilit­y,” he warned.

While Corbyn was travelling to Brussels, British Finance Minister Philip Hammond raised hopes of a breakthrou­gh in the coming days, telling the BBC there had been “some movement” by the European Union.

He said progress in the ongoing negotiatio­ns could result in a fresh vote next week on May’s divorce deal, while Thursday will also see Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay and Attorney General Geoffrey Cox hold “detailed discussion­s” with Barnier in Brussels.

The stumbling block has been the Irish backstop, which provides for Britain to remain in the EU customs union until a way is found — such as a future free trade deal — to ensure that Ireland’s border with Northern Ireland remains open.

The danger of no deal exit from the EU for Britain is a very serous and present one JEREMY CORBYN Opposition leader

 ?? — AFP ?? Jeremy Corbyn (C) arrives at the EU Commission in Brussels on Thursday ahead of a meeting with EU Brexit negotiator.
— AFP Jeremy Corbyn (C) arrives at the EU Commission in Brussels on Thursday ahead of a meeting with EU Brexit negotiator.

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