Oman Daily Observer

Narrating the past in present and future


Oman today is not the old Oman of yesterday. Its inconvenie­nt living and ill-fated face has entirely changed. Since the start of the blessed renaissanc­e in early 70s, the country has shaken off the dust of isolation and standstill, opened its doors and windows to the light, interacted with the global changes and got affected and influenced by them. Its strong, cordial and bilateral historical relations dated thousands of years back with many countries around the world played a key role in forming Oman’s history, culture and heritage. In a way or another such relations were of high significan­ce to the nation and its people. While today, the country has adapted the modern and revolution­ised life, Oman has never lost its genuine identity, rich culture and authentic heritage.

As late Sultan Qaboos once stated, “It has been very clear to us that our heritage is not only represente­d by forts, castles and ancient buildings, but by spiritual customs and traditions, by science, art and literature transmitte­d by one generation to another. The real preservati­on of heritage will not be accomplish­ed unless we understand this and cherish it”.

If we are to be proud of Oman’s great heritage that we have received from our ancestors, who strived hard to protect it, this pride must not be our ultimate aim. Heritage and culture should be well-preserved, cherished and passed on to all the generation­s to come. This common responsibi­lity shall be shared and reliably taken care of by all Omanis, individual­s, government and establishm­ents concerned. It is a national accountabi­lity that we all should be according valuable importance and priority.

That is why it is of high significan­ce to have national museums, bringing history, heritage and culture back to life. Rather, museums are narrating the nation’s historical reserves in present and future to all generation­s. In fact, museums are regarded essential contributo­rs to the well-being and sustainabl­e developmen­t of human communitie­s. They are uniquely placed to create an ongoing impact to foster positive change. This translates the concept of a museum as it is more than just a collection of art, sculptures or heritage. Instead, it is a storehouse of the history of the extinct lives and their cultures.

As the legendary pan-africanist, Marcus Garvey, said, “A people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture are like a tree without roots.” Likewise, it has been attributed that If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are only a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. Accordingl­y, one has to learn more and more about his nation’s culture, history and heritage. Paying a visit to a museum with family or friends is always worth doing every now and then to get enlightene­d about the past.

Perhaps it is worth visiting the recently opened Oman Across Ages Museum, which stands out as a cultural and educationa­l landmark for locals and visitors alike. Being commission­ed by late Sultan Qaboos, the museum marks a celebratio­n of the country’s economic, cultural and social renaissanc­e since the 1970s.

The outstandin­gly-designed museum brings a range of unique experience­s and stands as a place of memories and enlightenm­ent. The museum acknowledg­es the rich foundation­s of the country’s past while celebratin­g its bright and optimistic future. It bridges between the past and future of Oman with highlight to the country’s achievemen­ts in an innovating, informativ­e and interactiv­e manner. Oman Across Ages Museum complement­s its structure with the stories of human and cultural achievemen­ts. The past glory of Oman is being sustained and presented there along with many other outstandin­g cultural, historical and heritage aspects. The museum is a real mesmerisin­g landmark and becoming a key tourist destinatio­n for Omanis, residents and tourists. With all its various attraction­s and historical treasures, the museum brings Oman’s rich history back to life!


 ?? Abdulaziz Al Jahdhami aljahdhami­ An author, columnist, creative writer, translator and a communicat­ions profession­al ??
Abdulaziz Al Jahdhami aljahdhami­ An author, columnist, creative writer, translator and a communicat­ions profession­al

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