Times of Oman



Marma points are positions on the body where muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, tendons, bones, and joints meet. They may also be described as the junctions where Vayu, Pitta meet; where Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas meet; these are the points that could be used to heal or harm. There are 107 main Marma points in our body and these are distribute­d all over the body, each relating to a different organ or tissue.

In simple words Marma sthanas are the points through which Prana — vital life force or energy —flows in the body. The blocks that are formed in these energy channels of the body due to emotions and subtler feelings are the cause of many diseases. An ancient technique of healing from Vedic traditions, Marma is a very gentle form of bodywork that enhances the free flow of Prana (life force) by releasing these blocks and revitalise­s the entire system.

Marma Therapy is gentle touch or light massage on these points which balances the flow of Prana, increases energy, enhances vitality, and gives total relaxation.

The most restorativ­e treatment for the body and mind, Marma works on the subtle energy points by opening up the energy channels, which in turn works on many levels of the physical, mental, and subtle body. It releases stress and disease reversing towards good health and is highly beneficial to re-energise and provide a proper flow of energy within the body.

Doctors at Sri Sri Ayurveda are especially trained in this unique Marma Therapy and have healed many over the years. • Consulting an Ayurveda doctor is always advised before undergoing Marma Therapy. •Can be taken by almost everyone

(prior consultati­on advisable). • Should be done on a light stomach,

with loose comfortabl­e clothing. • Marma practition­er will take you to a peaceful room with some dim lights and relaxing music in the background. • As the therapy doesn’t involve any massage or oil applicatio­n, so there is no need of undressing. • After explaining the therapy, the practition­er asks you to lie down and is ready to take you to a journey never explored by you - a state of deep relaxation. • Removes blocks in channels/ nadis

so heals both subtle and gross body. • Pacifies Vata dosha • Detoxifies mind, also releases

deep seated trauma. • Creates physical, mental, and

emotional flexibilit­y. • Increases Prana or the life force. • Effective in reducing blood pressure, anxiety neurosis, sleeplessn­ess, migraine headaches, and stress related health issues. 4991 ssadoctor@mosaic.om +968 2448 0874/+968 2448 Way No 4113, Villa No 1109, Al Khuwair, Muscat

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