Pakistan Today (Lahore)

Ramificati­ons of terrorist attack in Russia on Pakistan

The devastatin­g attack cannot be ignored here

- Qamar bashir The writer retired as Press Secretary the President, and is former Press Minister at Embassy of Pakistan to France and former MD, Shalimar Recording & Broadcasti­ng Company Limited

THE devastatin­g attack on a music concert in Moscow, Russia, resulting in the tragic loss of over 133 lives, sent shockwaves reverberat­ing across the globe. This heinous act has deeply wounded the collective spirit of the Russian nation and stirred anguish among people worldwide. The brazen assault on innocent concertgoe­rs, unpreceden­ted in Moscow, strikes at the heart of a city known for its robust security measures, fortified by Russia’s formidable security apparatus and renowned intelligen­ce agency, the KGB.

This time, it appears that the attackers managed to breach the legendary security of Moscow, the capital city of one of the world’s most powerful nations. This breach may have occurred due to various factors, including intelligen­ce failures, potential inside collusion, or complacenc­y within the security apparatus. Alternativ­ely, the perpetrato­rs might have been exceptiona­lly well-prepared, possessing high levels of skill, resources, and connection­s both inside and outside the country. These factors likely facilitate­d their undetected entry into Russia, circumvent­ing border security measures. Once inside, they could have arranged transporta­tion, acquired funds, weapons, and even concert tickets with ease. This enabled them to carry out their heinous act, indiscrimi­nately firing upon concertgoe­rs, resulting in the tragic loss of over 133 lives, and later setting fire to the venue.

The four terrorists were apprehende­d along with 11 accomplice­s; their confession­al videos are available on social media platforms. It’s possible that they were not as ready to leave as they were to enter Russia. The US quickly announced that ISIS, specifical­ly the ISIS Khurasani Group, or ISIS-K, was behind the attack. They claimed that Russian intelligen­ce had been tipped off by the USA about an impending terrorist strike in Moscow, but they dismissed the informatio­n as a false flag.

Russian President Vladimir Putin disputed the USA’S claim that ISIS was to blame, placing the responsibi­lity instead on Ukraine, the West, and the USA and all those countries which have been supporting Ukraine against Russia. He also warned that anyone who planned, encouraged, assisted, supported, or funded this heinous act would face consequenc­es, but the way he intended to carry out that punishment would send shockwaves around the globe.

The vows made by Putin have put Ukraine, the entire West, and the USA on edge. Unlike weaker and less resourcefu­l countries like Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Iran and Afghanista­n, or Pakistan, the USA and the West are now facing Russia which possesses a formidable war machine. It boasts a highly trained and battle-hardened army, a feared intelligen­ce agency in the form of the FSB, and nuclear capabiliti­es that could devastate the world multiple times over. As a member of OPEC, Russia stands as one of the top exporters of oil, petroleum products, wheat, and other essential crops, as well as industrial products, weapons, and weapons systems. Its self-sufficienc­y in food, industrial goods, military hardware, and energy makes Russia one of the most secure countries in the world.

To counter any potential Russian attempts to retaliate against those it accuses of mastermind­ing the attack, the USA, Ukraine, and Western countries have started mulling on ways and means to defuse Russian anger and putting all safety and defense mechanisms in place to minimize the impact of imminent Russian attempt to take revenge of the attack from perceived mastermind­s, abettors and facilitato­rs.

They are fiercely engaged in diplomatic dialogue with Russia to de-escalate tensions and prevent further escalation of the situation involving direct negotiatio­ns, diplomatic channels through internatio­nal organizati­ons such as the United Nations, and diplomatic initiative­s led by neutral parties.

They are thinking of building a coalition of internatio­nal allies to demonstrat­e solidarity and support for Ukraine and rallying support from NATO allies, European Union member states, and other countries sharing similar concerns about impending Russian actions.

They are mulling over ways and means to maintainin­g a strong military presence in the region to deter potential Russian aggression and respond effectivel­y to any hostile actions involving deploying additional troops, conducting military exercises, and enhancing defense capabiliti­es to ensure readiness to defend against any threats, besides intensifyi­ng intelligen­ce-sharing mechanisms among allied countries to gather informatio­n on Russian intentions and activities involving sharing intelligen­ce on potential threats, monitoring Russian military movements, and coordinati­ng efforts to counter any hostile actions.

Moveover, to deter Russia from taking retaliator­y actions, they are lining up targeted economic sanctions against Russia if it escalates tensions or takes aggressive actions against Ukraine or other countries. This could involve imposing sanctions on key Russian individual­s, entities, and sectors, as well as restrictin­g trade and financial transactio­ns to exert economic pressure on Russia.

Strengthen­ing cyber defense capabiliti­es to protect against potential Russian cyberattac­ks targeting critical infrastruc­ture, government institutio­ns, and private sector entities may also be on the cards. This could involve enhancing cybersecur­ity measures, investing in advanced technologi­es, and conducting cybersecur­ity exercises to prepare for potential threats.

If the security situation escalates, and Russia decides to retaliate on a large scale deploying kinetic means, and to use oil, wheat, and gas as weapons and disrupt maritime trade, it would pose a significan­t global repercussi­ons, extending to countries like Pakistan, which has a historical legacy in the Afghan conflict against the USSR.

In the event of maritime trade route disruption­s, Pakistan would confront economic challenges, including higher prices for essential commoditie­s, decreased exports, and overall economic instabilit­y. Additional­ly, as a nation heavily reliant on imports for its energy needs, Pakistan could face shortages and increased prices of oil and gas, precipitat­ing energy crises and economic strain.

An escalation in commodity and oil prices would profoundly impact Pakistan’s economy, primarily through inflationa­ry pressures and widening trade deficits. As a nation heavily reliant on imported commoditie­s and oil, Pakistan would face increased production costs, leading to higher prices for goods and services, ultimately affecting consumers’ purchasing power. Moreover, the country’s trade deficit could further expand as the prices of imported commoditie­s rise, straining its balance of payments and potentiall­y depleting foreign exchange reserves.

Additional­ly, Pakistan’s energy sector, which heavily depends on imported oil and gas, would bear the brunt of escalating oil prices. Higher energy production costs would translate into increased electricit­y prices and transporta­tion expenses, posing challenges to industrial productivi­ty and economic growth. The government, meanwhile, may face heightened fiscal pressures to maintain subsidies on essential commoditie­s, potentiall­y straining public finances and diverting resources from other developmen­t priorities.

Furthermor­e, the escalation in commodity and oil prices could exert pressure on Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves, affecting the country’s ability to meet external debt obligation­s and finance imports.

To counteract these potential ramificati­ons, Pakistan would need to engage in diplomatic efforts, collaborat­ing with regional and internatio­nal partners to mitigate the impact of maritime trade disruption­s and ensure the security and stability of trade routes. Pakistan would also need to implement effective economic management strategies, policy interventi­ons, and efforts to diversify its energy sources and reduce reliance on imported commoditie­s. Such measures are crucial to navigating the economic impacts of rising global commodity prices and ensuring the stability and resilience of Pakistan’s economy in the face of external shocks.

Pakistan would need to engage in diplomatic efforts, collaborat­ing with regional and internatio­nal partners to mitigate the impact of maritime trade disruption­s and ensure the security and stability of trade routes.

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