The Pak Banker

Hail the heroes

- Abbas Nasir

It took an astute social media observer to point out that the amendment legalising the extension given to the army chief in theory the principle will apply to all service chiefs won more votes than even the two-thirds majority won by the PML-N’s Nawaz Sharif in 1997. Hence, the Twitter commentato­r concluded, the holder of the extended tenure enjoyed more legitimacy and popular support than a former prime minister who was voted in with one of the biggest majorities over the past three and a half decades if not longer.

Although this overwhelmi­ng expression of popular will in parliament was a public fact, and there for all to see and acknowledg­e, what its magnitude implies has not been sufficient­ly debated either in the print media nor on popular TV ‘talk shows’. Of course, this is not to mention one particular talk show where it was indeed discussed but in a manner that made most journalist­s and politician­s and, possibly, even the beneficiar­y and his institutio­n, hang their heads in shame. Theories, particular­ly conspiracy theories, abound about why the minister did what he did, ie put a military boot on the table. Given popular support as manifest in the parliament­ary votes for the extended tenure, it would be impossible that the minister who is seen as no less than an ‘asset’ would embarrass his patrons.

The much-maligned elected civilian politician­s may have a lot to answer for but it is equally true that they were never allowed a free hand. So, who else could have been in his cross hairs? The incident may have caused a bit of unease among some of the more circumspec­t PTI politician­s but, despite the prime ministeria­l sanction on the minister, it is also widely known that such tactics usually enjoy the boss’s approval. Whatever the case, let us now ignore nasty men, whether in the cabinet or outside, and say ‘who cares’ as to whether there was method to the minister’s madness or simply that his vile instinct guided his actions. In the spirit of the times, let’s focus on the positive from here on.

Having a largely dysfunctio­nal system where nothing is institutio­nalised, you’d be well within your rights to ask, where does our quest for the positive begin? One of the major feel-good factors that is ever effective and never fails, well almost never, is a hero.

For, heroes keep us going through the bleakest of times and renew our faith and hold the promise of a better tomorrow. The unpreceden­ted snowfall this past week in Balochista­n produced Suleman Khan. His nearmythic­al status as a hero owes itself to his humanity.

He is reported to have rescued some 100 people or more stuck on the snowbound Quetta-Zhob Highway, near his hometown Kuchlak, and paid for their food and shelter out of his own pocket. This, apart from his heroic efforts to free vehicles stuck in knee-high snow.

This man apparently thought nothing of helping out travellers on the road stuck in the snow and continued his rescue efforts for three days before some videos of his heroism hit the social media thanks to smartphone­s.

The credit of bringing Suleman Khan’s Herculean efforts to our knowledge goes to my former colleague Syed Ali Shah, the DawnNews Quetta bureau chief. Khan’s videos and photos reminded me of the undaunted Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a polio worker Irfanullah around the same time last year. It was heart-warming to see Irfanullah walking through snow piled high, carrying an icebox filled with vaccines, to a remote village so the children there could be vaccinated against the polio virus and saved from a life-wrecking infection.

While Irfanullah was one whose dramatic images made it to newspaper front pages and earned him an audience with the prime minister, there are some quarter million polio workers across the length and breadth of the country who have braved prejudices, biases and even bullets to do their duty.

It is not these heroic workers who have let us down as polio infections climb again. It’s the system that has failed our children, a culture of cronyism in appointmen­ts to key positions in this crusade that has caused setbacks. Hope a lesson has been learnt and the course corrected. This past week my young friend, and a legal mind par excellence, Asad Rahim, wrote such a wellreason­ed critique of the Ayub era in Dawn that it would put to shame all those who hailed him as a hero when he seized power and even today defy history to fantasise about how great his rule was.

While I can’t add anything to Asad’s piece, what I can add is that the next military ruler who ruled for a similar stretch of time was also lauded as a hero, as a referee, who blew the whistle when an elected government and opposition were supposedly at loggerhead­s.

But the way religion was used and abused so that he could prolong his personal rule came at an incalculab­le cost to the nation. The bigotry and intoleranc­e that we have come to live with as a cruel fact of life owes itself to that era as do ethnic strife, drugs and automatic weapons.

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