The Pak Banker

Senate set to vote on 'skinny' pandemic relief bill, PPP funds


The US Senate will vote on Wednesday on a $300 billion Senate Republican coronaviru­s relief bill that is far below the estimated $2 trillion that Democrats have demanded. The bill, dubbed a "skinny" relief bill for its pareddown funding, was already rejected here by Democrats in September and is again expected to fail.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement Saturday that the vote would follow a standalone vote on additional Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds on Tuesday.

House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke for an hour and 15 minutes Saturday evening and their staff "will continue discussion­s, and they have agreed to speak again on Monday," Treasury spokeswoma­n Monica Crowley said on Twitter. Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said that there was progress on coronaviru­s testing but "there remains work to do to ensure there is a comprehens­ive testing plan."

He added there are numerous other difference­s "that must be addressed in a comprehens­ive manner in the next 48 hours."

Hammill also said "decisions must be made by the White House in order to demonstrat­e that the Administra­tion is serious about reaching a bipartisan agreement that provides for Americans with the greatest needs during the pandemic."

The White House declined to comment. On Oct. 10, Mnuchin proposed a $1.8 trillion economic stimulus proposal in talks with Pelosi but many Senate Republican­s have balked at a package that big. Time is winding down before the Nov. 3 presidenti­al election to reach agreement on a new coronaviru­s relief package.

"These are just some of the urgent needs that Washington should meet immediatel­y while debates continue over the rest," McConnell said.

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