The Pak Banker

DC's reckless crime 'reforms'

- Scott G. Erickson

Few issues pique the bipartisan interests of legislator­s on Capitol Hill, but the forced passage of a reckless criminal justice "reform" act in Washington, D.C., should be one of them.

The Revised Criminal Code Act takes such a profound step backward in the interests of public safety that even D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser - herself a proud progressiv­e - vetoed the legislatio­n before it was nearly unanimousl­y overridden by the D.C. city council on Jan. 17. Fortunatel­y for citizens and visitors to the nation's capital, Congress has the authority to right this impending wrong and reject the implementa­tion of the act.

This act seeks to effectuate a veritable wish list of progressiv­e criminal justice reforms.

These reforms include reducing penalties and accountabi­lity for criminal perpetrato­rs, including those who commit violent felonies like carjacking and robbery, eliminatin­g "three-strikes" provisions, and ending nearly all mandatory-minimum sentencing.

However, these "reforms," which will take effect in 2025, will not reduce crime or make D.C. safer, as evidenced by the failed implementa­tion of similar progressiv­e criminal justice policies in other American cities.

Amid a several-year period of rising crime rates, not just in D.C., but in cities throughout the nation, choosing to pursue a soft-on-crime, criminal-first/victim-last approach to public safety is not only irresponsi­ble - it's reckless. Bowser acknowledg­ed this reality earlier this month in the lead-up to her formal veto.

"Anytime there's a policy that reduces penalties, I think that sends the wrong message," Bowser said. "That takes the focus off using guns or possessing guns, and I think that's the wrong way to go."

Despite the mayor's considered objection, the city council believed that passing this policy was the best course of action for D.C. For most city government­s, final passage of legislatio­n ends the story - but D.C. is different.

Because of Washington, D.C.'s unique status as the nation's federal district, acts passed by the city's government are subject to congressio­nal review by both the United States House of Representa­tives and the United States Senate.

This review period lasts between 30 and 60 days, depending on the nature of the act. As the D.C. city council's website explains, "During this period of congressio­nal review, the Congress may enact into law a joint resolution disapprovi­ng the Council's Act.

If, during the review period, the President of the United States approves the joint resolution, the Council's Act is prevented from becoming law."

Members of Congress have a sacred responsibi­lity: to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquilit­y, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…" as outlined in the preamble of the Constituti­on.

While Congress aims to do this for the nation as a whole, it has limited authority to directly influence criminal justice or public safety policy in the states, which are outside of their federal purview.

Because D.C. is a federal district, however, Congress not only has the authority but the responsibi­lity to prevent the implementa­tion of the D.C. city council's latest misguided "reforms."

In other words, Congress should kill this law because it is in public interest to do so. If that is insufficie­nt motivation, members of Congress who live part of the year in D.C. should prevent the act's implementa­tion because it is in their self-interest to navigate their own neighborho­ods in peace, free from the predations of an emboldened criminal class.

If this cannot inspire bipartisan agreement, perhaps nothing can.

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