Business World


- ROLANDO T. DY is the Vice-Chair of the M.A.P. AgriBusine­ss and Countrysid­e Developmen­t Committee, and the Executive Directorof the Center for Food and AgriBusine­ss of the University of Asia & the Pacific.

In 1998, the income per capita of Vietnam was $330 at current prices versus $1,050 for the Philippine­s, some 70% lower. In 2015, it was $2,100 for the former, and $2,900 for the latter, only 30% lower ( World Bank).

In 1993, the total poverty at national poverty lines for Vietnam was 50.9%, with rural poverty at 57.2%. The 1994 figures for the Philippine­s were 40.6% and 53.1%. By the 2014, Vietnam’s total poverty was 13.5% with rural poverty at 18.6%. The Philippine numbers went down but remained very high at 21.6% and 30% (2015). Vietnam’s rural poverty reduction was dramatic: 38.6% age-points or 1.8% age-points a year. The Philippine­s managed only 1.1% age-points a year. If the Philippine­s had done the same, rural poverty would have been minimal by now (See Table 1).

Why is rural poverty incidence in the Philippine­s so high? It is primarily due to an underdevel­oped agricultur­e. Nonfarm jobs have not also increased. There are four metrics to compare: total factor productivi­ty growth, specific crop productivi­ty, crop diversific­ation, and agri-food exports. Average farm size in the Philippine­s was 1.29 hectares (ha.) in 2012 (Census). By contrast, it is smaller in Vietnam. It averaged 0.74 ha. for the whole country and 2.3 ha. in the rice bowl of Mekong Delta (Nguyen 2010). AGRICULTUR­E PRODUCTIVI­TY

During 2001-2013, total factor productivi­ty (TFP), an overall measure of agri efficiency, rose by 2.53% a year for Vietnam and 1.87% for the Philippine­s. The numbers were derived from the difference between agri production growth and agri inputs growth. The Philippine­s lagged in both output and input growth. It is also behind in total agricultur­e output (See Table 2). CROP PRODUCTIVI­TY

Of the 15 crops common to the two countries, Vietnam was far ahead of the Philippine­s in 13 out of 15. On the four major crops — rice, corn, coconut, and sugarcane — Philippine productivi­ty trailed. The most glaring difference­s are

in coffee (7.4x) cassava (4.7x) rubber (2.8x), coconut (2.3x) and mangoes (2.1x). The median difference in productivi­ty is 1.8x.

Vietnam is the second lowest cost rice producer in Asia after India. China, Indonesia, and the Philippine­s are high cost producers (Internatio­nal Rice Research Institute/Philippine Rice Research Institute Study, 2016). (See Table 3)


Vietnamese agricultur­e is highly diversifie­d. Of its major 15 crops, the three top crops by area accounted for 79% for Vietnam as compared to 85% for the Philippine­s. As to the five top crops, the correspond­ing numbers were 88% and 92%, respective­ly.

There were nine crops covering over 200,000 hectares each for Vietnam. Five of these were heavily export-oriented: rice, rubber, coffee, cassava, and cashew. By contrast, there were seven for the Philippine­s, of which only three were exported-oriented: coconut, banana, and rubber. The Philippine­s’ rubber exports are miniscule compared to Vietnam’s (See Table 4).


In 2015, Vietnam’s agri-exports reached $23.7B in 2015 as compared to about $5B for the Philippine­s. The former had eight products with over $1-B export a year versus only two for the Philippine­s. For all products that earned $250M or more a year: Vietnam had 14 versus only five for the Philippine­s.

On per hectare basis, Vietnam exports 5 times more at $1,960 per ha versus $370 per hectare for the Philippine­s. These were rice, natural rubber, coffee, fish fillet, cashew nut, and black pepper. Other exports were fish fillet, prepared shrimp, and frozen shrimps. The Philippine­s had coconut oil and bananas.

What is so important about agri- food exports, which some sectors discount as poor developmen­t strategy? Exports expand markets and, therefore, raise incomes and job opportunit­ies for the poor. Focusing on the domestic market alone severely limits market- product size and diversity as well as competitiv­eness (See Table 5).


The widely read book Why Nations Fail by Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology (MIT) economist Daron Acemoglu and Harvard political scientist James Robinson (2012) showed that political and economic institutio­ns underlie economic success. The authors theorized that there are two types. “Extractive” institutio­ns exist when a “small” group of individual­s do their best to exploit the rest of the population. “Inclusive” institutio­ns include “many” people in the process of governing.

To paraphrase Thomas Friedman, a noted writer:

Inclusive economic institutio­ns enforce property rights, create a level playing field, and encourage investment­s in new technologi­es and skills are more conducive to economic growth than extractive economic institutio­ns. The latter are structured to extract resources from the many by the few.

Conversely, extractive political institutio­ns that concentrat­e power in the hands of a few reinforce extractive economic institutio­ns to hold power ( New York Times, March 31, 2012).”

Why is the Philippine­s’ rural poverty incidence much more than Vietnam ( 30% vs. 16.8%)? As cited in an earlier article on Thailand, the following are my hypotheses:

First, the political elite has long tolerated that rice self-sufficienc­y is the gold standard of success of any administra­tion, and not rural poverty reduction. While rice- farming families comprise about a quarter of rural population, the three quarters have been relatively neglected. Among others, this led to long-term neglect of many tree-crops developmen­t that drove growth in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Coconut is a sad story with 3.5M ha of heavily underutili­zed lands.

Second, the rural developmen­t institutio­ns have been weakened by the sustained discontinu­ities in programs, constant changes in personnel, and promotion by political connection­s. It has demoralize­d the bureaucrac­y and severely failed to attract young talents.

Third, the general lack of appreciati­on of strong research, developmen­t, and extension service. Farmers need new techniques to increase incomes. The 25-year old, municipali­ty-centered extension service is massive failure. Many experts, including the Coalition for Agricultur­e Modernizat­ion in the Philippine­s (CAMP) has long espoused province-centered extension service for skills scale and management effectiven­ess.

Fourth, the quality of rural infrastruc­ture, especially linking farms to highways are poor and ill-maintained. Add to this is the cost of shipping. Vietnam has also the natural advantage of one land-mass and the cheap water of Mekong River.

Fifth, land distributi­on is the overriding developmen­t goal and land reform, and not investment­s that will create products in the competitiv­e market, promote robust agri-manufactur­ing that, in turn, create stable jobs.

The article reflects the personal opinion of the author and does not reflect the official stand of the Management Associatio­n of the Philippine­s or the M.A.P.

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