Business World


The House recently seem to have acquired a mania for pushing legislatio­n that are quite detached from reality.


Peculiar problems arise when government thinks itself all knowing and prescient. Call it Murphy’s Law or the law of unintended consequenc­es. Either way, Greek mythology is full of people laid low by hubris.

As Prometheus was wont to say: “those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”

I write this because the House of Representa­tives recently seem to have acquired a mania for pushing legislatio­n that are quite detached from reality. As well as insisting in measures repeatedly tried in the past and, repeatedly as well, proven wrong.

So, Albert Einstein: “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

Which aptly can be said of the House’s stance toward marriage and the family: churning out bills on same- sex unions, divorce, SOGI, and — of course — to fully fund the actually operationa­l Reproducti­ve Health Law.

The problem is, we know that the stable family, composed not only of a man and woman and children but rather the biological father and mother of the children in permanent union, is the foundation for a stable and dynamic society.

“We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundation­s of our community are weaker because of it.”

That was Barack Obama, speaking on Father’s Day 2008. He should know, himself being a product of a single parent household.

The problem with encouragin­g legislatio­n on divorce, for example, is that it leads to the weakening of the family.

Studies show that divorce laws (particular­ly “no-fault divorce”) historical­ly contribute in encouragin­g the breakup of marriages exponentia­lly through time (with US studies indicating increases of

10% annually, with one giving a high rate of 88%).

The hostility towards marriage and the family extends beyond mere lawmaking, what with the present administra­tion’s utter aversion towards organized religion.

And yet studies show that religion goes a long way in protecting the family: Georgetown University’s Center for Applied

Research in the Apostolate found

in 2013 that, even in “divorceisc­ompletely- acceptable- US,”

Catholics have way lower divorce rates: “Catholics stand out with

only 28% of the ever- married

having divorced at some point.”

Compare this with a divorce rate of 40% for those with no religious affiliatio­n.

Which is tragic when you consider that, according to research cited by The Federalist­s’ Mollie Hemingway, “compared to those

continuous­ly married, those who never marry have a reduction in wealth of 75%, and those who divorced and didn’t remarry have a reduction of 73%.” Furthermor­e, “research has

consistent­ly shown that both divorce and non- marital childbeari­ng increase child poverty. In recent years, the majority of children who grow up outside of married families have experience­d at least one year of dire poverty. According to one study, if

family structure had not changed between 1960 and 1998, the black child poverty rate in 1998 would have been 28.4% rather

than 45.6%, and the white child poverty rate would have been 11.4% rather than 15.4%. The rise in child poverty, of course, generates significan­t public costs in health and welfare programs.”

So here’s the punchline, “marriages that end in divorce also are very costly to the public.”

And the costs are not only in financial terms: Heritage Foundation’s Patrick Fagan points out

that “children whose parents have divorced are increasing­ly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide.”

If that weren’t enough, our officials (the Executive and the House)

went double down: normalizin­g the contracept­ive mentality and a tax reform program that removed exclusive benefits normally given to the family. Both policies are hardly encouragin­g of the young to establish families of their own.

But aging population­s have been confirmed as a real problem, particular­ly for Asia: ADB’s report “Impact of Population Aging on Asia’s Future Growth” found

that “declining birth rates and increasing life expectanci­es — will increasing­ly shape the economic direction of developing countries in Asia. The favorable demographi­cs that have driven high economic growth in the region are likely to reverse.”

This was backed by the IMF, “the population growth rate is projected to fall to zero for Asia by 2050 and the share of workingage people — now at its peak — will decline over the coming decades.”

Or stated more bluntly, “some countries in Asia are getting old before becoming rich.”

It is probable that some members of the House hate their personal lives utterly. Such is undoubtedl­y unfortunat­e and deserve our sympathies. But that hardly warrants their dragging the entire country to the gutter with them.

To access the ADB report on population aging, please visit the link http:// adbrept or use a smartphone to scan the QR code.

 ?? JEMY GATDULA is a Senior Fellow of the Philippine Council for Foreign Relations and a Philippine Judicial Academy law lecturer for constituti­onal philosophy and jurisprude­nce. jemygatdul­ www.jemygatdul­a. T ??
JEMY GATDULA is a Senior Fellow of the Philippine Council for Foreign Relations and a Philippine Judicial Academy law lecturer for constituti­onal philosophy and jurisprude­nce. jemygatdul­ www.jemygatdul­a. T
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