Business World

Saudi-led coalition forces pound Yemen airport


ADEN — Houthi forces fought to keep control of the airport in Yemen’s main port city of Hodeidah on Sunday as Saudi-led coalition air strikes struck the compound, in an offensive that could be a turning point in the three-year conflict.

Losing Hodeidah would deal a serious blow to the Iran-aligned Houthis, cutting supply lines from the Red Sea to their stronghold in the capital Sanaa.

It could also give an edge to the Western-backed military alliance which, despite superior weaponry and firepower, has failed to defeat the Houthis in a war that has killed 10,000 people and created the world’s most urgent humanitari­an crisis.

“Coalition airplanes carried out more than 20 raids until now and shook the city,” resident Akram Yihya said by telephone.

“We can clearly hear fighting and missiles landing in an area near the airport.”

About 20,000 troops, mostly Yemenis from various factions led by United Arab Emirates forces and backed by warplanes and Apache attack helicopter­s, have been fighting to dislodge the Houthis since 2015. The coalition wants to restore an internatio­nally recognized government in exile and thwart what Riyadh and Abu Dhabi believe are arch- foe Iran’s ambitions to dominate the region.

As air raids pounded Houthi fortificat­ions in the airport, Houthi fighters blocked the main road from Hodeidah to Sanaa with mounds of earth and chunks of asphalt to prevent coalition troops from advancing.

“The air strikes and missiles are shaking the city’s houses,” said resident Khaled Sharaf. People living near the airport said bullets were hitting their homes as fighting raged.

The battle for Hodeidah could drag on, creating more suffering for civilians who have already endured air strikes, port blockades, hunger and a cholera epidemic.

The offensive could also have ramificati­ons further afield due to Yemen’s role in a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran that has fuelled instabilit­y in the Middle East. US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from Iran’s nuclear deal and his embrace of nuclear state North Korea have added to Tehran’s isolation and put pressure on the Islamic Republic to preserve its interests in Yemen and other Arab states.

The Houthis, mountain fighters who seized Sanaa in 2014, gained valuable experience in a series of guerrilla wars with Yemen’s national army and a brief border war with Saudi Arabia. Armed mostly with AK- 47 assault rifles, they have advanced on sandal-shod feet and by pickup trucks in battles across Yemen, one of the world’s poorest countries.

That may give them an advantage in street-to street combat if fighting extends to the densely populated neighborho­ods of Hodeidah, a city home to around 600,000 people.

Riyadh has accused the Houthis of using Hodeidah port to smuggle Iranian-made weapons, including missiles used to target Saudi cities — accusation­s denied by the group and Tehran.

Houthis rule the most populous areas of Yemen, a chronicall­y unstable country, where many parties have been competing in a messy civil war, from loyalists of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh to southern separatist­s to al- Qaeda.

The United Nations says the assault on Hodeidah could trigger a famine imperillin­g millions of lives. —

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