Business World

Trump steps up pressure on Fed with ‘going loco’ jab


WASHINGTON DC — President Donald Trump slammed the Federal Reserve as “going loco” for its interest-rate increases this year in comments hours after the worst US stock market sell-off since February.

Mr. Trump said in a telephone interview on Fox News late Wednesday night the market plunge wasn’t because of his trade conflict with China.

“That wasn’t it. The problem I have is with the Fed,” he said.

“The Fed is going wild. They’re raising interest rates and it’s ridiculous.”

“That’s not the problem,” he said of the trade standoff.

“The problem in my opinion is the Fed,” he added. “The Fed is going loco.”

His latest criticism of the central bank began earlier Wednesday as he arrived in Pennsylvan­ia for a campaign rally.

“They’re so tight. I think the Fed has gone crazy,” the president said.

Mr. Trump appeared to blame the Fed for a stock rout that market analysts mostly attributed to fresh concern about his trade war with China. The president has been publicly criticizin­g the institutio­n — led by Chairman Jerome Powell, whom he appointed — since July for interest-rate increases and declared he was “not happy” in September after the third rate hike of the year. NO ‘CRAZINESS’

Among those who came to Mr. Powell’s defense was Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde, whose agency just downgraded forecasts for global growth due to trade tensions.

“I would not associate Jay Powell with craziness,” Ms. Lagarde told CNBC at the annual IMFWorld Bank meetings Thursday in Bali, Indonesia.

“No, no, he comes across, and members of his board, as extremely serious, solid and certainly keen to base their decisions on actual informatio­n, and decide to communicat­e that properly.”

The market rout continued across Asia, with benchmarks from Tokyo to Hong Kong seeing declines in excess of three percent.

Mr. Trump, who has frequently invoked rising stock prices as an affirmatio­n of his economic policies, played down the significan­ce of the market drop even as he pointed the finger at the Fed.

“I think it’s good,” Mr. Trump said of the US stock decline.

“Actually, it’s a correction that we’ve been waiting for a long time. But I really disagree with what the Fed is doing.”

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin echoed those sentiments in an interview in Bali on Thursday, saying markets can overshoot in either direction and the slump “is not particular­ly surprising.”

The broad US stock market sell-off Wednesday took the S&P 500 to the lowest in three months, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged as much as 836 points and the Nasdaq 100 Index tumbled more than four percent for its worst day in seven years.

The sell-off came a day after the IMF said the world economy was plateauing and cut its growth forecast for the first time in more than two years, blaming escalating trade tensions and stresses in emerging markets.

Mr. Trump has slapped tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods this year, and Beijing has retaliated with levies of $110 billion of American products.

The IMF projection­s don’t take into account Mr. Trump’s threat to expand the tariffs to effectivel­y all of the more than $500 billion in goods the US bought from China last year.


Mr. Trump’s public criticism of the Fed is a sharp departure from his recent predecesso­rs.

Presidents for more than two decades had avoided public comments on the Fed’s interest-rate policies as a way of demonstrat­ing respect for the institutio­n’s independen­ce.

Mr. Powell’s goal is to extend the second-longest US economic expansion on record by moving interest rates up just quickly enough to prevent overheatin­g, but not so rapidly that the central bank chokes off growth.

Mr. Powell said last week that he expected to stick with the current path of gradual interest-rate hikes while monitoring risks in the economy.

Mr. Trump said Tuesday that the economy was enjoying “record-setting” numbers and “I don’t want to slow it down even a little bit, especially when we don’t have the problem of inflation.”

One reason why the Fed has been raising interest rates even with little sign of an inflation breakout is because the unemployme­nt rate, which fell to 3.7 percent in September, is at a level that many officials expect will cause wage and price gains to accelerate over time.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement following the close of markets that the US economy was “incredibly strong” despite the sell-off.

“The fundamenta­ls and future of the US economy remain incredibly strong,” Ms. Sanders said in a statement.

“President Trump’s economic policies are the reasons for these historic successes and they have created a solid base for continued growth.” —

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