Business World

Is the tax cut a good stimulus?

- FILOMENO S. STA. ANA III coordinate­s the Action for Economic Reforms.

The CREATE bill (Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprise­s Act) has drawn sharp criticism from some economists. A major if not principal criticism is about the accelerate­d reduction of the corporate income tax (CIT) from 30% to 25% in the very first year of the law’s implementa­tion, if passed.

Given that it has been certified urgent and it has gained support from the majority of stakeholde­rs, it will pass. It is a matter of when it will be enacted and what the final design will be. Some provisions or features are up for revision or refinement.

The question is: How effective can a tax cut be as a stimulus?

The objective of a stimulus is to create spending of workers and households to boost aggregate demand. Hence, during the lockdown, wage subsidies and cash assistance for the poor and near poor are effective because they will certainly use the money for essential consumptio­n. Their consumptio­n hence will help the macro-economy.

To sustain consumptio­n in a time of economic downturn, job preservati­on or job creation is the key. Recall the Keynesian figure of speech of creating jobs by having workers filling bottles with old bank notes, burying them and digging them up.

A tax cut can potentiall­y serve the objective of preserving jobs. Worth citing is a National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper authored by Alexander Ljungqvist and Michael Smolyansky, titled “To Cut or not to Cut? On the Impact of Corporate Taxes on Employment and Income” (revised October 2018).

Based on data and observatio­ns regarding changes in CIT across US states, from 1970 to 2010, as well as establishi­ng the counterfac­tual and checking biases for robustness, the authors conclude that “a one percentage point corporate tax increase (cut) leads to employment in the affected county falling (rising) by about 0.2 percent and total wage income falling (rising) by about 0.3 percent (as measured relative to the neighborin­g county across the border).”

But what is most relevant for this particular discussion is the insight that “when tax cuts are implemente­d during a recession… tax cuts lead to a sizeable positive response in both employment and wage income.”

To be sure, the conditions in the US and the Philippine­s are vastly different. One cannot use the NBER study to extrapolat­e for the Philippine­s. Neverthele­ss, the key finding resonates — that corporate tax cuts are responsive to employment and income, if done during a recession.

Undoubtedl­y, a tax cut is part of the toolbox for a stimulus. But it does not necessaril­y mean that it can deliver the “bang for the buck.” Fellow BusinessWo­rld columnist Raul Fabella has articulate­d the limited effectiven­ess of a tax cut as a stimulus (“Create,” BusinessWo­rld, May 27, 2020). Companies can “declare dividends to shareholde­rs; they can shore up their balance sheet; they can engage in share buyback.”

So how do we avoid undesirabl­e corporate behavior wherein the gains from the tax cut will hardly benefit the workers? The answer is actually simple: Tie the tax cut to job preservati­on, to new investment­s.

Remember that the cause of the economic downturn is the pandemic, not the lack of good economic fundamenta­ls. Different economic and financial institutio­ns have confidence in the Philippine economy. And we can expect investment­s to return, once government and society is able to manage the pandemic well.

But to enable investment­s, the government must not just provide incentives and assistance. There is no free lunch. It is proper for the government to introduce “conditiona­lities.” These can include what other countries like the US have done: restrictio­ns on dividends, stock buybacks, and executive bonuses.

To quote the economists Mariana Mazzucato and Antonio Andreoni (“No More Free Lunch Bailouts,” Project Syndicate, June 25, 2020), “imposing such conditions help to steer financial resources strategica­lly, by ensuring that they are reinvested productive­ly instead of being captured by narrow or speculativ­e interests.”

But let us not likewise forget that CREATE is not purely a stimulus. Its main features of modernizin­g and rationaliz­ing fiscal incentives and reducing CIT for competitiv­eness (or for countering the aggressive tax competitio­n, especially in the region) are long overdue.

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