Business World

Can stress cause stomach problems?


What is acid reflux?

Acid reflux is a disorder that occurs when there is a backflow of stomach acid into your esophagus. The acid irritates the lining of your esophagus, causing a painful, burning sensation in your chest.

Symptoms of acid reflux

• A painful burning sensation in your esophagus, especially during and after eating

• Worsening chest pain when lying down

• Pain when swallowing

• Sour liquid being regurgitat­ed at the back of your throat

• The feeling of an object stuck at the back of your throat

Can stress cause acid reflux?

Stress increases acid production, which can increase the likelihood of experienci­ng acid reflux symptoms. This condition can be made worse if you react to stress by taking stimulants such as caffeine-based beverages, which tend to increase the incidence of reflux symptoms.

Treatment for acid reflux

Acid reflux is a relatively easy condition to treat as medication is easily available and effective. Here are some of the treatments you may be advised to take for acid reflux:


Antacids are over-the-counter medication­s that neutralize stomach acid to relieve the pain of acid irritating your esophagus. However, while antacids help you feel more comfortabl­e in the short term, they can’t heal the esophagus from acid damage. It is also important to note that the overconsum­ption of antacids may cause adverse side effects like loose stools or kidney complicati­ons.

Acid reducers

Acid reducers decrease the amount of acid the stomach makes. This protects the esophagus, stomach, and intestines from getting damaged. It can also help to heal damage caused by inflammati­on of the esophagus. Examples of the 2 types of acid reducers are H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors.

H2 receptor blocker

The active ingredient in H2 receptor blockers inhibits the cells in the stomach from producing acid. In a day, they can reduce stomach acid production by up to 70%. As a result, the irritated esophagus lining will have more time to heal. Cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine are all different types of H2 receptor blockers. This group of medication­s, however, can cause bowel complicati­ons like constipati­on and diarrhea.

Proton pump inhibitor

This group of medication­s works similarly to H2 receptor blockers, except that they are much stronger, reducing acid production for longer periods of time. Pantoprazo­le, rabeprazol­e, lansoprazo­le and omeprazole are examples of proton pump inhibitors.


If medication­s do not alleviate your symptoms, endoscopy is usually recommende­d to evaluate the extent and other possible causes for the symptoms. Endoscopy also enables the taking of tissue samples from the esophagus to make sure that a severe form of gastro-esophageal reflux disease called Barrett’s esophagus has not developed. Barrett’s esophagus is a condition that increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer.


If medication­s do not alleviate your symptoms, surgery may be recommende­d as a last resort. A fundoplica­tion is a minimally invasive procedure commonly done to treat chronic heartburn. In this procedure, the top part of the stomach is wrapped around the base of the esophagus to tighten the sphincter, reducing the incidence of acid reflux. Your surgeon can operate on the outside by looking through a tiny camera inserted through a few small incisions.

What is peptic ulcer disease?

Peptic ulcers occur when stomach acid erodes your digestive tract’s own protective mucus lining. This leads to painful, open sores in the lining of your stomach (gastric ulcer) and the upper part of your small intestine (duodenal ulcer).

Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease

• Pain in the upper abdomen

• Heartburn

• Dizziness

• Feeling full quickly when eating

• Worsening pain between meals

Rarely, more severe symptoms may occur:

• Vomiting blood

• Black stools

• Unintentio­nal weight loss

Can stress cause ulcer disease?

The role of stress as a cause of peptic ulcers remains controvers­ial because of difficulti­es associated with quantifyin­g stress in different people. However, several studies tracking ulcer occurrence in a defined population have linked certain types of stresses to the risk of developing ulcers. These stresses include depression, work-related stress, social problems and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Treatment for peptic ulcers

Peptic ulcers can usually be treated in a similar way to acid reflux by using medication to neutralize or reduce acid in the stomach. However, other approaches may be necessary. Some of the additional recommende­d medication­s can include:


Helicobact­er pylori is a common bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers. Once your doctor has determined that you have the bacteria present in your system, they will prescribe a suitable regimen of antibiotic­s to kill the Helicobact­er pylori bacteria.

Cytoprotec­tive agents

This medication increases mucus production in the stomach and increases the flow of blood throughout the digestive tract. The active ingredient­s form a coat to protect the ulcers in the stomach from further irritation and allow them to heal.


Peptic ulcers are usually diagnosed during upper gastrointe­stinal endoscopy. Endoscopy is useful as samples can be taken from the stomach to ensure that the ulcer is not cancerous. Bleeding from peptic ulcer disease is usually treated by endoscopy. The doctor will identify the site of bleeding in the stomach or small intestine and apply clips to stop the bleeding.


In very severe cases of peptic ulcer disease, a hole (perforatio­n) in the stomach wall can occur. The hole will need to be closed surgically to avoid serious complicati­ons.

Managing your stress is key

It is important to identify the causes of your stress and address them. Sometimes, stress can’t be avoided, especially when you have responsibi­lities to handle. Still, you can find ways to release the built-up tension in your mind through some of the following activities, which help you produce endorphins and reduce stress hormones in your body:

• Physical exercise

• Spending time with loved ones

• Long uninterrup­ted sleep

If acid production is a constant source of discomfort for you, consult your doctor, who will be able to work out the best treatment plan.

Learn more about cancer care. Join BusinessWo­rld Insights, in partnershi­p with Mount Elizabeth Hospital Singapore and Parkway Cancer Centre, with the theme, “Hope, Science and Technology: Cancer Care in the New Normal” this March 10, 2021 at 11 a.m. Register at­re.

For inquiries, please contact us at Parkway Hospitals Singapore-Manila Office at G/F-B, Marco Polo Hotel, Meralco Avenue and Sapphire Street, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1600, e-mail us at­ or call 0917-526-7576. (This article was reviewed by Dr. Chua Tju Siang, gastroente­rologist at Mount Elizabeth Hospitals.)

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