
Transfigur­ed and irreplacea­ble

- Msgr. Sabino A. Vengco Jr. Join me in meditating on the Word of God every Sunday, from 5 to 6 a.m. on DWIZ 882, or by audio streaming on

IF the stay of Jesus in the desert for 40 days being tempted by Satan represents the relentless struggle between good and evil in the world, His mountain top transfigur­ation stands for the glory that awaits one who remains faithful (Mark 9:2-10).

Transfigur­ed in glory

JESUS was speaking to His disciples about His approachin­g suffering and death, but also of His resurrecti­on after three days (Mark 8:31). To follow Him means taking up one’s cross and losing one’s life, but also that this is the way to save one’s soul, for which nothing is worth in exchange (Mark 8:34-37). To be untrue to Him in the world is to have no part with the Son of Man when He comes “in the glory of His Father” (Mark 8:38). It was to have a glimpse of this glory that Jesus took three of His disciples aside, to strengthen their faith and prepare them for the scandal of the cross.

On the mount of the transfigur­ation, the divinity of Jesus was allowed

to shine through the veil of his humanity. His raiment became dazzling white, exceedingl­y white beyond duplicatio­n. Seen talking with him were Moses and Elijah, two outstandin­g personalit­ies in the history of the chosen people, parts of the larger picture that has now come to its fullness in Jesus Christ, who is the one to lead the people to their promised covenant with God. Jesus is the promised messiah whom all the precursors of the past spoke of and waited for.

‘My beloved Son’

HEAVEN itself gave testimony to Jesus as from out of the cloud overshadow­ing all of them a voice announced: “This is my beloved Son. Hear Him.”

At the river Jordan after the baptism of Jesus by John, heaven claimed Jesus and His identity was revealed to Him: “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). Now the same truth is revealed to His followers, and the revelation carries a responsibi­lity with it. The Son is the Word and the icon of the heavenly Father. The Father is now represente­d to us by the Son, consequent­ly everyone must listen to Him, for He is the truth, the way and the life. What he says about his death and resurrecti­on is life to us. His words about imitating Him and taking up our crosses point the way to eternal life. What he teaches concerning the glory of the Father and the kingdom of God is life-giving truth to us. This is a replicatio­n of the call made by Jesus at the beginning of His public ministry: the reign of God is at hand; we must believe in Him and configure our lives with His.

The disciples were sorely afraid; the experience of the divine is both terrifying and fascinatin­g. But there is a particular temptation in reaction to the divine phenomenon voiced by Peter: “It is good for us to be here.” It is good to be up on some clean mountain top without pollution and away from the hurly-burly of the world, and to put off or be exempted from the Calvary of suffering and shame. It is good to be in ecstasy contemplat­ing divine beauty. But the miraculous apparition was only for a while; suddenly they saw Jesus only and the heavenly cloud faded. And they came down from the mountain top. And they were told to tell no one about their experience till the resurrecti­on of Jesus from the dead. Everything hinged on Jesus’ victory still to come.

Alálaong bagá, it is our faith that Jesus Christ is the definitive destiny of humankind. His way must be our way, his life ours. The certainty of the final glory strengthen­s us in our struggle for love, justice, and truth, but we must not be seduced to remain remote and detached on some mountain top. We have to go down on the plains of battle and live up to our faith and commitment to the gospel of Jesus. It is easy enough to be ecstatic over the transfigur­ed Jesus on the heights, but we must also join Him mangled and deformed on the cross of Calvary or in the slums and bloody alleys of our society.

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