Daily Tribune (Philippines)

Rain falls on Bontoc after series of rituals


BAGUIO CITY — The residence of Bontoc, Mountain Province watched with glee as rain poured for more than an hour in the afternoon of Wednesday, 17 April after more than two

! months of waiting.

The rain is a great help in drenching the forest and mountains Bontoc and also watering the rice fields.

According to the Municipali­ty of Bontoc, the IFontoks or the people of Bontoc acknowledg­e the downpour to the weeks of holding the “manerwap” or rain ritual by every “ato” of the municipali­ty (community center led by their elders.

“Manerwap” is a traditiona­l ritual where elders lead the tribe members or community in offering prayers and chants to “Kabunyan” (Creator) and to the ancestors and playing the gongs and beating the shields while dancing the “inan-aniit” fairy dance to bring the rains to the land that is suffering from drought.

The people of Bontoc who are members of the Bontok Tribe decided to perform series of “manerwap” as their mountains were razes by forest fires. Their rice fields are also experienci­ng dryness because of the lack or absence of rain.

In a recent interview with Bontoc Mayor Jerome Tudlong, he said that they are supporting the holding of “manerwap.” He said while they are with the people in performing the traditiona­l way of calling for the rain, they are also coordinati­ng with concerned government agencies in finding for scientific methods.

Tudlong, who is also a member of one of the “atos” of Bontoc participat­ed in the holding of “manerwap” of their “ato.” He, at the same time, reminded the people to be responsibl­e in safeguardi­ng the forests and mountains to prevent forest fires and wild fires.

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