Manila Bulletin

Butuan bishop dies at 74


The Catholic church in the Philippine­s lost another of its bishops last Saturday, just days after the

passing of retired Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippine­s (CBCP) announced yesterday that Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos died at 6:55 p.m. Saturday.

The CBCP did not release any other details on the death of the 74-year-old Pueblos as of press time yesterday afternoon.

His death came only three days after the revered Cebuano cardinal died of an infection leading to septic shock at the age of 86.

CBCP President Lingayen Dagupan Archbishop Villegas mourned the passing of Pueblos, saying: “Every death diminishes us. Something in us dies when a loved one dies.”

Speaking to The Manila Bulletin, Villegas said: “In the death of Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos a part of us dies too but we look at death with hope and faith in the Risen Lord.”

He added that Pueblos’s human body might have died, but he remains a priest forever.

“The battle is over! The victory is won. Well done good and faithful priest of God! Pray for us Bishop Didi,” Villegas said.

Born on March 8, 1943 in Moto Sur, Loon, Bohol, Pueblos was ordained to the priesthood on March 30, 1968 and later to the episcopate on June 24, 1985.

Before his appointmen­t to the Diocese of Butuan in 1995, Pueblos served as Auxiliary Bishop of Davao in 1985 and Bishop of Kidapawan in 1987.

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