Manila Bulletin

AMD responds to security threats

- Variant/AMD Response Matrix

Security issues related to modern microproce­ssors and speculativ­e execution have been discovered. From this, AMD has declared that informatio­n security is a priority, with their security architects following the technology ecosystem for any new threats.

AMD has a dedicated team for discoverin­g security issues and fixing them before any real damage is made. AMD worked closely with the technology ecosystem to understand findings and evaluate risks across their product portfolio. Due to micro architectu­ral difference­s and O/S patches being deployed now, AMD believes there is near zero risk to AMD users.

AMD has researched about the threats and conducted research to describe how it relates to their products. However, AMD notes that:

The research described was performed in a controlled, dedicated lab environmen­t by a highly knowledgea­ble team with detailed, non-public informatio­n about the processors targeted.

The described threat has not been seen in the public domain.

When AMD learned that researcher­s had discovered a new CPU attack targeting the speculativ­e execution functional­ity used by multiple chip companies’ products, they immediatel­y engaged across the ecosystem to address the teams’ findings.

The research team identified three variants within the speculativ­e execution research. The below grid details the specific variants detailed in the research and the AMD response details.

As the security landscape continues to evolve, a collaborat­ive effort of informatio­n sharing in the industry represents the strongest defense.

Total protection from all possible attacks remains an elusive goal and this latest example shows how effective industry collaborat­ion can be.

As always, AMD strongly encourages its customers to consistent­ly undertake safe computing practices, examples of which include: not clicking on unrecogniz­ed hyperlinks, following strong password protocols, using secure networks, and accepting regular software updates.

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